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陜西省翻譯公司關鍵字:consumption, increase savings and investment, thus boosting overall economic growth. The other hand, may also be due to bulk product development will attract foreign investment, imports of capital equipment through the expansion of production and eventually this led to a country's international trade patterns of economic growth. (5) economies of scale. As the market effect, the domestic producers will be able to expand production scale, more professional to carry out mass production. Industrial structure in contemporary industrialized, many products have the characteristics of economies of scale, that is with the expansion of production scale, the unit cost of the product showed a downward trend. Such economies of scale made enable enterprises to enhance competitiveness, the country's consumers will consequently be inexpensive goods. (6) trade externalities. Trade externalities referring to the external trade, and is not market transactions included additional costs and benefits. Trade externalities can be said from the economic to the political, cultural, moral, institutional, etc., far-reaching. These trade benefits mainly from the theoretical analysis, and theoretical analysis with a series of strict assumptions. Satisfy these conditions is to obtain foreign trade increased welfare benefits and prerequisites. Brought by the trade interests of free trade core theory - the assumptions in the theory of comparative advantage can be analyzed, the premise of free trade efficiency and rationality of the market structure or market related to the integration of content: international and domestic is completely competitive market structure; labor, capital, factors of production in a country's domestic free movement between countries is not in the flow. If these conditions, trade interests will be a serious negative impact, seriously do not meet these conditions may result in the deterioration of export terms of trade, there called welfare worsening poverty-led growth or growth (immiserizing growth). In this regard, the first research in 1950 and 1971 in the traditional international trade theory, "domestic distortions and welfare of the general theory." Make an important contribution to the theory of international trade theory is well-known master of Bhagwati (Jagdish Bhagwati), In addition, further exploration of the theory there is an economist Ha Bole (G. Haberler), Mead (J. Meader ), Hagen (E. Hagen), Johnson (H. Johnson), Coden (W. Corden) and so on. When a country from closed to open, the Haberler (1950) demonstrated that fixed-price elements of the case, free trade will lead to decline in welfare cases; then Hagen (1958) demonstrated that inter-industry wage differentials in the case, free trade will lead to decline in welfare cases. The above two conditions lead to decline in the level of benefits are assumed to give up the premise of opening the domestic market of perfect competition is assumed, and to distort the market for the domestic conditions. The domestic non-trade distorting, in an open condition, not less disappeared, but on the contrary, their losses may be reduced by free trade in the disappearance of most of the trade benefits received, or disappear. From the dynamic point of view, if a dynamic growth in the economy, free trade lead to the risk of poverty exist (Bhagwati and Srinivasam, 1983). Bhagwati (1958) in his paper clearly a country's economic growth through deteriorating terms of trade may lead to negative net benefits.