新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務院機關第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

商洛翻譯公司關鍵字:When it comes to foreign trade, distort economic activity can be divided into non-trade-distorting and trade-distorting. We can put a country's implementation of the customs territory of the measures as a result of obstacles to free trade, the resulting distortion is called trade-distorting. For the trade distortions caused by the loss of trade benefits by raising tariffs, for trade protection to correct for non-trade-distorting domestic market distortions that need to correct domestic adjustment or reform. In China from a planned economy to a market economy transition process, the domestic market-distorting domestic market segmentation as a constraint to achieving China's foreign trade interests and welfare of improving the level of the main barriers. Third, the interests of the domestic market integration and empirical analysis of foreign tradeChina's current institutional distortions resulting from the domestic market distortions in the form of outstanding performance for the domestic market segmentation (market segmentation), poor integration of the domestic market. The domestic market segmentation can be divided into separate institutional ownership preferences and local protectionism, where market segmentation. Preferences of institutional ownership is split by the planning system left over from the national government to local governments for state-owned enterprises to develop the necessary market conditions and economic resources to be favorable institutional arrangements, while the non-discrimination in state-owned enterprises of the arrangement, account arrangements such as employees, use of land resources and the borrowing of funds through equity financing and so on. Mainly refers to the local market segmentation within a country for local governments in the region of interest, by means of administrative control limit or restrict foreign goods into the local flow field behavior of local resources. And the coercive power of government to form the basis of the artificial division in the market (fragmented market) corresponds to, it is a unified into an overall market (integrated market), also known as integrated market. China as a vast territory, large population, long history of feudal separatism and long-term historical reasons, coupled with the 1953 to 1978, the planned economy period, the country was on the international situation for the judge and defense considerations, the political unity premise, the implementation of a multi-national economic structure, each province have formed a relatively independent, semi-seclusion and self-sufficient economic subsystem, which includes countries were planned by provincial management features (then the National food stamps food stamps and in the provinces where the distinction is a reflection of the state of this market separation). This diverse national economic structure has gradually in the operation of the planned economic system in the fixed form of fragmentation, the separation of urban and rural economic development pattern. In 1979, due to China's economic reform is a gradual, incremental reform, and therefore the implementation of the existing city-owned and collective ownership of rural areas, the urban-rural dual economic structure, based on the added mechanism of the market plan mechanisms play a role of the private part of the economy. This has occurred within the system and outside the system mode of operation of the two economies, the emergence of institutional ownership at the level of market segmentation. Meanwhile, the country to mobilize the enthusiasm of local economic development, the implementation of fiscal and taxation system, decentralization (including the decentralization of management authority of state-owned enterprises), the areas, especially the provincial level, local economic development goals and increase local revenues highlights the importance of out, while opening up the region and regional preferential arrangements are intentionally or unintentionally, to the