當(dāng)前日期:2013-12-16  星期一
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tender bond 標書保證金
tender commitment 投標項目承付款項
tender deposit 標書訂金
tender evaluation 標書評審
tender for construction 投標承建
tender for purchase 投標承購
Tender for Services [GF 231] 招標承投提供服務(wù)〔通用表格第231號〕
tender for supply 投標承供
Tender for the Purchase of Articles or Materials from the Government of HKSAR [GF 232] 招標承投購買香港特別行政區(qū)政府物品或物料〔通用表格第232號〕
Tender for the Supply of Goods [GF 230] 招標承投供應(yīng)貨品〔通用表格第230號〕
tender notice 招標告示;招標公告
abandonment(cancel,repeal) 撤消
additional cost 額外費用
agency(proxy) 代理
agent(attorney,representative) 代理人
amount of insurance(insurance coverage) 保險金額
annex(appendix) 附錄
annex(attachment,enclosure) 附件
announcement of tender 招標通知
base price(tender price) 標底
bear expense 承擔(dān)費用
bid bond(tender bond,tender guarantee) 投標保函
bid cost(cost of tendering) 投標費用
bid form(tender form) 投標格式
bid invitation)call for bids,call for tenders) 邀請投標
bid language 投標語言

AB - Alberta 
AK - Alaska 
AL - Alabama 
AR - Arkansas 
AZ - Arizona 
BC - British Columbia 
CA - California 
CO - Colorado 
CT - Connecticut 
DC - District of Columbia 
DE - Delaware 
FL - Florida 
GA - Georgia 
HI - Hawaii 
IA - Iowa 
ID - Idaho 
IL - Illinois 
IN - Indiana 
KS - Kansas 
KY - Kentucky 
LA - Louisiana 
MA - Massachusetts 
MB - Manitoba 
MD - Maryland 
ME - Maine 
MI - Michigan 
MN - Minnesota 
MO - Missouri 
MS - Mississippi 
MT - Montana 
NB - New Brunswick 
NC - North Carolina 
ND - North Dakota 
NE - Nebraska 
NF - Newfoundland 
NH - New Hampshire 
NJ - New Jersey 
NM - New Mexico 
NS - Nova Scotia 
NV - Nevada 
NY - New York 
OH - Ohio 
OK - Oklahoma 
ON - Ontario 
OR - Oregon 
PA - Pennsylvania 
PE - Prince Edward Island 
PQ - Quebec 
PR - Puerto Rico 
RI - Rhode Island 
SC - South Carolina 
SD - South Dakota 
SK - Saskatchewan 
TN - Tennessee 
TX - Texas 
UT - Utah 
VA - Virginia 
VT - Vermont 
WA - Washington 
WI - Wisconsin 
WV - West Virginia 
WY - Wyoming

Engineering Discipline 
bid opening minutes 投標開標紀要
bid preparation 投標編寫
bid price 投標報價
bid schedule of price 投標價格表
bid substance 投標實質(zhì)內(nèi)容
bid(bidding,enter a bid,submission of bid,tender) 投標
bidder(tenderer) 投標人
bidding conditions(tendering conditions) 招標條件
bidding document 招標文件
bidding phase 投標階段
bidding process 投標步驟
bidding requirement(instruction to bidders) 投標須知
bidding/tender book 投標書
bond(cash deposit,surety company) 保證金
bonding company(surety company) 擔(dān)保公司
bottom price 最低價
clarification of bidding document(clarification of tendering document) 投標文件的澄清
closed bidding(sealed bid) 非公開招標
compensation(consideration,indemnity,reimburse) 補償
competitive bid 有競爭性的投標
contingencies(contingency fund) 不可預(yù)見費
contract awarded(contract gained) 中標合同
credit guarantee 貸款信用保函
dead loss 純損失
decline an offer 不接受報價
deadline 最后期限
difference 差額
evaluation of bids/tender 投標評估
export licence 出口許可證
financial capacity 財務(wù)能力
financial position 財務(wù)狀況
finishing bid 備好投標文件
guarantee bond 擔(dān)保書
guarantee letter 保函
guarantee(surety,warrant) 保證
guarantor(sponsor) 擔(dān)保人
high-level talks 高級談判
initial price 初步價格
inquiry 查詢
insurance premium 保險費
insurance subject 保險標的
inviting tenders(open tendering,public bidding) 公開招標
issue bidding document 發(fā)行招標文件
issue guarantee 出具保函
letter of acceptance 中標函
loan agreement 貸款協(xié)議
lowest bidder 最低價投標人
lowest bidder(lowest tender) 最低報價
master format 標準格式
modification of bids/tender 投標文件的修改
notary 公證員
notarial certificate 公證書
negotiated bidding(negotiating tender) 議標
negotiation 談判
offer(offer in a bid,quotion) 報價
offerer 報價人
open inquiry of the offer 公開詢價
participate in a tender 參加投標
performance security 履約保函
port of exit 出口港
pre-bid conference/meeting 標前會議
preliminary evaluation 初步評估
pure interest 純利
reasonable price 公平價格
re-bid(retender) 重新招標
report on tenders 投標審查報告
restitution of the guarantee 撤消保函
retention(retention money) 保留金
scope of work 工作范圍
sealing and marking of bid 投標的密封和標志
selective bidding(selective tendering) 選擇性投標
single tender 單項招標
specimen of letter of guarantee 保函格式
statement of financial position 財務(wù)狀況報表
successful bidder(successful tender) 中標者
sum in words 大寫金額
tender committee 投標委員會
tender document(tendering document) 招標文件
tender result 投標結(jié)果
the closing date of the offer 報價截止日
unbalanced bid 不平衡報價
uncertain factor 不確定因素
undertake 承擔(dān)
unfair competition  不公平競爭
unpredictable element 不可預(yù)見因素
valid period of the offer 報價有效期
validity of bid/tender 投標有效期
warranty 擔(dān)保
win a tender 中標
winning bidder 中標人
bid opening; tender opening 開標
tender opening committee 開標委員會
public bid opening 公開開標
tender recommendation 標書舉薦
Tender closing date投標截止日期
tender reference 招標編號
tender referral 標書轉(zhuǎn)介
tender report 投標評估報告
tender requirement 標書內(nèi)所列要求
tender schedule 標書附表;報價單
tender specifications 招標規(guī)格;標書所定規(guī)格
tender validity 標書有效期
tendering procedure 招標程序
標的物 Subject matter
招標通告 call for bid
招標通知 tender notice
招標文件 bid document.
招標條件 general conditions of tender
招標截止日期 date of the closing of tender
招標方 tenderer
投標 submission of tenders
投標方,投標商tenderer, bidder
投標邀請書 Invitation to Bid
投標押金,押標金 Bid Bond
投標文件 tender document.
做標,編標 work out tender document.
投標書 Form of Tender
投標評估 evaluation of bids
愿意/不愿意參加投標 be wi11ing/unwilling to participate in the bid
我們擬參加……的投標。We wish to tender fro…
我們同意遵守以上規(guī)定的投標條款。We agree to abide by the conditions of Tender specified above.
資格預(yù)審 prequalification
詢價 inquiry
詢價請求,詢價單 Requisition for Inquiry
報價 quotation
報價表格 Form of Quotation
提交報價 submission of quotation
升價,提價 escalation
An inadequate(e.g. by telephone) or unresponsive quotation may be reason for rejecting the quotation
標底 base price limit on bids
報標 bid quotation
評標 evaluation of tender
議標 tender discussion
決標 tender decision
中標 has/have won the bidding in …
中標者 the winning/successful bidder, the successful tenderer
未中標者 the unsuccessful tenderer
中標函 Letter of Acceptance



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