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香港翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:To sum up, "economic man" mainly provides the potential for corruption, there must be public power agency - commissioned by the relationship to information asymmetry, which is everything the system can not be perfect, therefore, under no circumstances will occur some corruption, is the "general corruption"; However, a sound system under the conditions of this "general corruption" should be sporadic and limited. Conversely, if the system, system flaws, it is a high incidence of corruption to provide a realistic conditions, the formation of "systemic corruption." Therefore, we should focus on systemic corruption of governance, but also the cost of implementation of the system, while the level of economic development, the more able to bear higher costs, therefore, corruption and economic development should be adopted to design better systems to reduce. Second, the results of a surveyAugust 2004 to October, we sent out questionnaires, discussions and individual talks and other forms of county (division) level leading cadres conducted a more comprehensive investigation. Kinds of questions in addition to the subjective questionnaire, the design of a large number of scenarios acts kinds of questions, which is conducive to an objective test to the real situation; in individual conversations, we also used an open, focused on the actual behavior of people talking in order to analyze their motives . From the perspective of preventing corruption, the survey has the following significant results. 1, the "rational economic man" still reflects the leading cadres of the basic human characteristics. Cadres as the lofty ideals of the idea is relatively weak, and its utilitarian values ??of life have a strong tendency. Ideological and political values ??are the core of a person's behavior is dominated by a strong and stable power, this aspect of the utilitarian tendency, which will inevitably affect their vision to see the problem, ideological level and breadth of vision, affecting their behavior. Such as profit-oriented thinking, without considering the actual needs and the effect of the image of engineering and performance to engage in the practice of engineering, etc.; or in the case of setbacks, become inert, does not aim, but they try too, even for a small group interests and personal interests for the plan, and so on. For example, 66.6% of people think that their team is "performance-based" team. If your main work of the industrial park project, and the project included in the national regulation of the object, then, really want to clean up and only 30.6%, 11.1% of the people even choose "willing to risk to the local economy should continue to go out." . And their subordinates that they more strongly this tendency, that is willing to clean up and only 14.3% are willing to risk to do so accounted for 28.6%. "The biggest problem is the style of formalism, accounting for 53.8%, 30.8 utilitarianism, while if analysis, you will find posters of the formalism is done, in essence, is utilitarian. 2, the concept of democracy and the rule of law, institution building awareness is still very weak. For example, when "suspected lower financial problems", the 77.8% of people said "take the internal review mechanism", and also 68.6% lower that the parent who will adopt such internal peer review. Again, the question on how to develop the economy, they pay more attention to implementation of the policy is caught (47.2%) and grasping capital projects (16.7%), and for a basic, comprehensive and strategic tasks, such as "improve public services "and" maintain the market order "seriously enough, of 16.7%. Another example is in answer to "strengthen governance capability of the most important issue", the most select "improve the quality of cadres" (63.9%), followed by "to promote economic development" (19.4%) answered "do a good job of party and government division of labor" and "Strengthening the rule of law" only 8.4% of all. In the system, performs the worst is considered to be "the personnel system." Live from the talk found that some cadres of the democratic rule of law is inconsistent with the mood, let alone long-term stability of the height from the community to actively explore and practice of socialist democracy. Some units are also many systems, but a large component formalism, the operability is poor, people, randomness is stronger. In some people's eyes, the system is the control of others, so they have a contradictory attitude: In order to protect their own interests, I hope there is a system, and in order to obtain benefits from the system but want to limit. The so-called "policies, under the measures" is a typical reflection. 3, the lack of checks and balances of power, ineffective