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甘肅省翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Yao Yanzhi, the reform of examination and testing of critical ideology must go beyond the limits: criticism of the reform may not be opposed to reform, tough love was responsible for the harsh; if not always go beyond the "Left" "Right," "reform" of the camp class division will limit our reflection on the reform in depth expansion. At present, some debate is really just a lack of common sense in the case of the reform carried out under such vigorous debate and then also help solve the problem. All real warning to us: the recognition of the reform has not be limited to name, but should look at its substance. Criticism of the reformers are not "leftists" support the reformers will have to see the contents of his support of the-what "reform." If we give up on reform to critically examine and test, will only lead to the reform process to increase the deviation. Purely "economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 reform" can lead to successOf educated Chinese people, now one of the most confusing question so that they are: social progress can only by a simple "economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 reform" to achieve? The past 20 years, the economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 problems of developing countries, some economists have begun to systematically study the economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 strength and social system, political arrangements between the interact, influence each other. In general, the expansion of human social development is actually a process of selection, the basic objective of economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 growth is the expansion of human choices. economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 growth is often achieved in three ways, first, to expand the resource base and the accumulation of capital; two ﹑ through education and other methods to improve the quality of people to improve human capital; the third is by improving the structure of the system. System is important to humans, it is the system by affecting the availability of information and resources, by shaping the power and trading through the establishment of the basic rules of society to achieve social progress. Successful innovation is often the system of individual and social choice can play a very good impact rights, and provide the community through more efficient way to organize economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 activity and contribute to development, often leading to the economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 base of the final adjustment. China's problem is actually the same with all the problems of developing countries, and for developing a modern sense of the road if only from the study of economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的s has lost its meaning, because we are the birthplace of the economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的s of developed countries in the developed countries, with a purely "economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 terms" ─ ─ the concept of total employment and unemployment ﹑ ﹑ investment and savings industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章, as a prerequisite for effective market demand for the supply and price ─ ─ ﹑ the analysis may be meaningful and draw reasonable inference, it is because these concepts ﹑ models and combine them developed the theory is quite consistent with reality. However, in developed countries can not use these methods, unless it is irrelevant and want to analyze the cost of a serious error. When the market does not exist or highly imperfect competition, you can not use those assumptions mentioned above (and many others) in economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 terms. WHY? The reason is simple economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的s is an empirical science, practice has changed, you have to change along with the theory. The use of economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 theory developed to explain the economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 problems of developing countries, the shortcomings of this approach is out of ideas and systems. In developed countries, ideas and systems, or to be rationalized, in order to achieve a given power level of economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 development, or for fast and stable adjustment, this assumption does not hold in the least developed countries. We are one of the countries in Asia, I'll let you look at other Asian countries, history and status, help us to understand their problems. All Asian countries have a common characteristic, that is, the principle of social inequality. In the 19th century, the principle of inequality is mainly caused by the birth of inequality, it is simply by birth in a different social hierarchy. With the invasion of Western imperialism and the arrival of colonists, led to a new class of small entrepreneurs ─ ─ composition of the middle class and educated nouveaux riches ─ ─ formation, the original inequality into the new content. These ruling elites educated in the historical development of Asia in the 20th century played a pivotal role. After the violence in the Asian community with the power structure to destroy the social revolution, became a call to a small number of elite and organizers, and Asian people neither desire nor the ability necessary to participate in modern politics. Previous principles still inherited social inequality, class hierarchy still has great vitality, the vast majority of people in these countries still regard themselves as the traditional form of government政府許可的定點(diǎn)正規(guī)翻譯公司 under the "subjects" rather than the new democracies of the "citizens" . The kind of top-down implementation of the political system and democratic rituals such as elections, only to become legalized so that the power of the ruling class of tools. As some of the Asian countries had a profound study of the election system for the Western scholars have pointed out: democratic governance is seen as essential to public election, in practice often means that the way to bribe the participants to the political process manipulation. Asian people in the election ceremony, watch the show just some of the bystanders. In the best case, they only sell through the election period as trading votes for personal gain of some small revenue period. Election process is not a real choice, this election will not result in a larger social or political change. In the spirit of independence is very important to the formation of non-government政府許可的定點(diǎn)正規(guī)翻譯公司al association activities, often under state control or regulation, any kind of society (including academia) must be in before the establishment of the approval by the relevant government政府許可的定點(diǎn)正規(guī)翻譯公司 agencies, and organizations are not allowed to participate in any political activities. Ordinary people are the government政府許可的定點(diǎn)正規(guī)翻譯公司 as a guide to action, accustomed to deep-rooted social conditions of inequality and hierarchy of command, so if the new military and government政府許可的定點(diǎn)正規(guī)翻譯公司 elites get more than others, "freedom" or "privilege", which for most people is irrelevant. In general, the rulers of these countries have always stressed their special conditions, under the pretext of human rights such as freedom ﹑ ﹑ democracy is the historical experience of Western civilization and special products, and give up political democracy, just stick to the main content of modern material and industrialization, that social stability and harmony above all ─ ─ This is the so-called "Asian values" of the core content ─ ─ This type of modernization and industrialization of the country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個(gè)好's survival is indeed fundamental, but it led to greater centralization and more inequality, all the fruits of economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 development through the power of the market and into the pockets of a privileged few, the heads of state property increasing in developing countries, small and medium corrupt plunder of property everywhere. The majority of the people was excluded from the distribution of wealth outside of the process. In conditions of limited resources and under conditions of inequality and industrial modernization