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    新華翻譯社運用獨創(chuàng)的翻譯過程控制質(zhì)量保證體系(Quality Assurance System of Translation Process Control)在翻譯過程中實時監(jiān)控翻譯質(zhì)量,隨時掌握稿件的進度。每個翻譯項目組成員除了語言和翻譯的功底深厚以外,都具備相應的專業(yè)背景知識,不同專業(yè)領域的資料均由具備相應專業(yè)背景的譯員翻譯,并由資深語言專家和技術專家雙重審校把關,從而保證譯文的準確、規(guī)范和術語統(tǒng)一。我們相信,在廣大新老客戶的支持和關懷下,通過本公司全體員工和所有專兼職翻譯的共同努力,在經(jīng)濟全球化不斷加深、改革開放不斷擴大的新形勢下,本公司將不斷發(fā)展壯大,為客戶提供滿意的翻譯服務,與客戶一起創(chuàng)造輝煌的未來。。
廣東翻譯公司關鍵字:government's image, so in practice, the competent authorities not only "rise above" the industry, but also actively Association to support the development of seaweed; Another example of market畢業(yè)論文翻譯成英語文章 economy development has led to many new industries, beyond the original scope of the government administration industry, the Shanghai municipal government should be a lot of new industry development and the need for coordination in the "Regulations" under the framework翻譯畢業(yè)論文公司哪里有最權威 of the establishment of trade associations and Development Agency as a new department in charge of industry associations to promote the development of new industries.Second, with the "separating", "government-funded separately," and reform of government institutions, the original competent authorities gradually fade out the industry, but to maintain nominal control. Such as industrial restructuring early to set up trade associations, most of the former administrative director of the Company翻譯論文公司最專業(yè) for the business units, but as "separating" and "government-funded separately," the executive of the Company翻譯論文公司最專業(yè) gradually evolved into a state-owned asset management Company翻譯論文公司最專業(yè) or ownership group, the original department in charge of trade associations role will transition to these state-owned asset management Company翻譯論文公司最專業(yè) or management, the central level, SASAC come forward to bear by the department in charge of industry associations.As the responsibilities of state-owned assets management department is responsible for the proliferation of state-owned assets, the market畢業(yè)論文翻譯成英語文章 competition and development of the industry's coordinating role has been in the system by the industry association responsible for the state-owned assets management department has no association with the industry's professional coaching skills.In the provincial level, with the gradual withdrawal of state-owned enterprises in competitive fields, the industry's state-owned asset management companies have been shrinking, and no ability to assume the role of competent authorities, in fact, the administration of industry associations have faded, become " virtual "competent authorities. That there were many large companies as entrepreneurs keen on Industry Association, took over the business trade associations. For example, Nanjing Lighting Association's business department in the beginning by the Association under the Bureau of Nanjing, two light executive of the Company翻譯論文公司最專業(yè) - Nanjing Lighting Company翻譯論文公司最專業(yè) as a business department, and then gradually withdraw Lighting Company翻譯論文公司最專業(yè), the change from the two light Bureau to the light group (in asset management as the main task) to undertake the business department, and finally, due to restructuring of state-owned enterprises in Nanjing, Association of Light Industry Group as the industry's business department lost effective control, which is reflected in the Association's normal maintenance has been difficult to sustain, and finally transferred to the largest lighting appliance enterprises in Nanjing - China Electronics Group funded a man flying to maintain the normal operation of trade associations, fly by China Electronics Group, as chairman to