新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務院機關(guān)第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

河南省翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:areas using their own safety equipment and copyright systems, different levels of security to meet basic confidentiality requirements. Therefore, the current government procurement requirements will focus on security, safety testing and monitoring products as well as emergency response and disaster recovery products, such as firewalls, intrusion detection products, information security products, user authentication products. (3) application software. E-government demand for application software products will focus on performance in addition to office software, e-government related industries with custom software (such as public security, industrial and commercial business software system), the functions of the government by the management as to the type of change management services , CRM, GIS, BI and other software in the e-government market will be an excellent application.Fourth, the government procurement to protect and support the software industryFor developing countries like China, the practice of infant industry protection and support for a period of time is justified. 1 of the World Trade Organization "General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade," in the "infant industry protection clause." The third paragraph of Article 18 provides that the economy is in early stages of development of States parties should enjoy additional facilities to enable them to (a) in the tariff structure to maintain sufficient flexibility to provide the establishment of a specific industry needs tariff protection; (B ), taking full account of their economic development plans may result in the continued high level of import demand conditions, can be implemented for the balance of payments purposes, the number of restrictions. "The economy is in early stages of development of a particular State party to accelerate the establishment of industries to improve the living standards of people in general, it is necessary to modify or revoke this Agreement, the concessions listed in the table some of the concessions," "the economy is in early development States Parties to improve people's general living standards, it is necessary to accelerate the establishment of a specific industry to provide government assistance. " At the same time, China can also learn from the experience of other countries, the use of non-tariff barriers and the WTO agreements in some "gray area" for their own industry to implement effective protection and support