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五家渠翻譯公司關鍵字:Dissemination System (GDDS)", is one such internationally General Data Dissemination Standard. By this standard the release of statistical data can be systematic and transparent, can be better for the government services and for social services, but also easier for international comparison. Statistics on the labor market, we are in the target range, frequency and timeliness, the basic requirements to achieve the GDDS, published quarterly in urban employment and unemployment situations, there is a gap, even if the annual rate of unemployment Only the registered unemployment rate, unpublished survey unemployment rate. Unemployment rate is now within the grasp of the investigation there need to be perfected. As we all know, China's labor force survey is conducted with the combination of population surveys, work tasks by the National Bureau of Statistics census personnel. This institutional and organizational advantages are: population and labor force statistics can complement each other can be used to launch the labor force population, the absolute frame, you can easily separate the towns and villages. However, this system there are also areas for improvement: 1, investigators need to raise the quality. No full-time census survey team to the county-level statistics departments is no full-time demographers set up to investigate the former Provisional Minato, the investigator is looking for temporary, can not guarantee its proper quality. It is understood that the training of at least prior to the survey by the national, provincial and county levels, but to the county level, even when the teacher did not complete the investigation to find out the requirements of the project. In particular, labor force survey and census surveys on a table together, the content of many, investigators often focus on population, unable to take account of unemployment. The result is a lot of money, up to data quality is not high. 2, the sample size to be reduced. One of the characteristics of a sample survey: Final sample points more randomly scattered, the stronger representation. Census and strength due to funding constraints, can only district to sample, cell size is still quite large (up to 1998, some 400 communities), this change has little effect on the population, but the impact on unemployment was. Survey of the city was not representative, representative of the province is also poor, it is difficult to mobilize the enthusiasm of the work of provincial and municipal levels. Past two years, National Bureau of Statistics Division also strive to charge compression cell size, cell number increase, but they require a significant increase following the investigation expenses. In fact in recent years in this sample is the dilemma of "struggling" with. Although the bureau has a lot to increase funding for the survey, but only a "drop in the bucket", achieving the desired purpose. Therefore, the proposed director of the Division and Cheng Tiaodui National Bureau of Statistics, Rural Investigation Team co-director of the Division commissioned Cheng Tiaodui, Rural Investigation Team survey results released by the Audit Division in charge. In addition to avoiding the above two issues, there are the following advantages: (1) survey system from abroad to see the unemployment survey is always in close contact with the household survey, it can be said that the basis of household survey data, the unemployment data and income data also has a strong correlation. (2) Cheng Tiaodui and Rural Investigation Team has its own dedicated team of investigators, the final sample point is the household, the quality of investigations will increase, reducing the final sample in the premise, survey data will also have the larger cities there is a strong representative (and census are representative of the province are not very strong), which participate in the survey cities will mobilize the enthusiasm. (3) City transfer system from top to bottom to form a network, information transmission, feedback quickly, without increasing the amount of funds under the premise of the investigation can be guaranteed once each quarter. (4) from our survey system direction, all urban and rural household survey by the two investigation teams should be specific commitments, so reduce the pressure of statistical systems at all levels to ensure the quality of investigations. It is understood that there are some few years ago the city of Cheng Tiaodui initiative organized a survey of unemployment, better, it is worth promoting.