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內(nèi)江翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:After the era of the Chinese state-owned economic dilemma"Guangming Daily" editorial only from the micro-economic point of view, the state-owned enterprises is divided into "traditional state-owned enterprises" and "new state-owned enterprises." And if, by extension, the global standing of macroeconomic point of view, we believe that state-owned economy can be divided into "typical traditional state-owned era" and "post-state era as" large industrial era and the post-industrial era "," Modern and post-modern "and the relationship," post-state era "is coming from the field of sociology lend a call. both admit it or not, China has actually entered a" post-state era "! After the era of state, must have their reasons behind the driver. The main reason comes from the "Chinese economy is both necessary and does not require the privatization of property rights reform" of the dilemma. Market economy as the man appeared so far the best resource allocation mechanism, originated from the "privatization of property rights" as the characteristics of the West. China to build a market economy, the first question is this: China in the end be not the same as the West for a "privatization of property rights movement"? State-owned enterprises should not be "privatization"? Western economists believe that property rights, privatization of property rights include three aspects: (1) the possession of the remaining profit, which is the incentive for the owner; (2) the exclusive monopoly of assets, which makes the owner produces a kind of "own property "interest in motivation; (3) the initiative to expand production, prompting the owner to put more funds for expanded reproduction rather than personal extravagance, and ultimately increase the real wealth of society as a whole. With China's actual situation, the privatization of the need for reform of property rights because of the following aspects: 1, the state-owned enterprises 'real owners' absence. Nominally state-owned enterprises is the whole people, in fact, all the people as a whole concept is all, all the people can not carry out effective supervision of state-owned enterprises; Furthermore, all the people have no, or not the state-owned assets and increase the value as their own "within the of motivation and mission. " Ministry of Justice, "the special corporate governance research," said group leader Liu Dahong: Western corporate governance structure, whether it is a family group or institutional investors, the ultimate "client" (ie, owner) is clearly a natural person. Therefore, the Western corporate governance structure of the chain, is only possible in a link (that part of the operator) problem; while China may have problems in two areas: one is the operator part, and the other is the owner of the link . Operator part of a problem, just downstream, can be quickly replaced by the operators to solve; and if the owner of part of a problem, it is upstream, is the root of the chain are likely to collapse.2, the competent authorities and their officials are really concerned about the state-owned assets may lack the intrinsic motivation incentives. Although state-owned assets, "the state", but the state itself is not a natural person's life as the body, the ownership of state assets must be handed over to the relevant government departments and their officials to "agent." In this process, it breeds corruption. 3, the state is competition in the market, "referee", while a large number of state-owned enterprises set up to act as a "players" of the role of these two conflicting roles and functions rolled into one, it may undermine the market's "Three" (open , fairness, justice), resulting in "fixing", "black whistle" occur frequently. These are the "China needs to reform and privatization of