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興安盟翻譯公司關鍵字:Thus, even if one would look at Marx's own economic theory, is itself a very ambitious theoretical system. Which includes not only the equivalent of the general called "Principles of Political Economy." Part, and also includes its "history of economics," "economic history" and "scientific socialism" and "socialist economic theory." Their "political economy" part, but also includes social and economic life in all its fields of application, for example, micro and macro, national and international, and so on. The current "Das Kapital", according to "narrow group" view, in fact, this is only the equivalent of Marx's three, six in the first plan, the first book ("Capital" book) in the first, that "capital general" articles. This first volume in the rest of the three that "competition", "credit" and "share capital" theory, it is not yet fully expanded. And if a statement in accordance with Marx's own, original than this "narrow", or "constitute only supposed to be the contents of Chapter III," that the "goods" and "currency" other than the two chapters " capital general "articles. "Thus, there is no competition, including capital and credit." However, in my opinion, even under the "broad school" idea, the current "Das Kapital" at best only to the first three books in the other two ("real estate "and" wage labor "), some of the basic content is also included in, but not all. Marx and hopes future generations, said: "As for the remaining issues ..., others are likely to lay the foundation has already been discussed up." Marx dedicating his life energy, their active participation and leadership in the practical revolutionary work at the same time, in an arduous study of economic theory. However, to date, although we in the study and dissemination of Marxist economic theory has been made a lot of work, also made a lot of achievements, but in general research, organize, explore was not enough. From them as a complete theoretical system inherited, making it China's Marxist economists consensus and make it a party, the state and the people of a valuable asset to better benefit the people of our country's socialist cause, then there is a greater gap. Therefore, not to mention the real in the "science" based on "theoretical innovation." In addition, Engels, Lenin and Stalin, Mao, and he was the representative of China's older generation of proletarian revolutionaries, Marxist economists in China, former Soviet Union and other socialist countries in Eastern Europe and the countries of the world Marxist economists, all These people's contribution and innovative. All this is an urgent need for us with new practices, to be edited carefully, explore, inheritance and development. (E) with the "development of Marxism" to guide our research and practice, and constantly develop new vision, to open up a new realm, and by summing up new experience for "socialist economic theory" of innovation, building true true "political economy of socialism with Chinese characteristics." Marxist theory of economics, has never been the continuous development of all the. On "socialist society" and "theory of economics" even more so. Marx and Engels in their writings, although the characteristics of social development in the future to make a certain amount of discussion, but they are mainly based on the era in which the capitalist society, has been revealed by some of the facts and symptoms. "Old society pregnant with a new social factors." Marx and Engels's death 100 years of capitalist society, economic and political development, not only did not make them lose their scientific conclusions of these brilliant, but more proof: this to the "capital mode of production" as the characteristics of the society, the more increasingly no longer a "solid crystal, but can change and often in a process of change in the body." Just as Marx said: "The problem itself is not the natural laws of capitalist production caused by social confrontation high and low levels of development. The problem is that the law itself, is the inevitability of these play a role in iron, and the trend is being achieved. less industrially developed countries to less developed countries, industrial shows, only the latter picture of the future. " contemporary developed capitalist countries appear in the latest in a series of economic and social phenomena - for example, the further development of science and technology and "knowledge economy" rise; to modern "stock company" as the representative of the modern enterprise system " private owners of capital "status further weakening and enterprises," corporate property "status enhancement; enterprises in the" ESOP "," democratic management "and"