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錫林郭勒翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Marxism, to further restore the true colors of Marxist economics, must not suffer in silence. On the other hand, but also carefully to prevent and overcome, these "errors" as "Marxism" to oppose the tendency. That is, must not, as Marx said, in Hegel's philosophy in Germany after the disintegration of some "critics" have done, to Hegel as a "dead dog" to "kick." Or, as Feuerbach Engels criticized Hegel's attitude towards it: even a child in the back with the bath water when drained. (D) to further strengthen the system of Marxist economic theory itself, to explore, organize, and development.What is Marxist economics? In my country, there are many different versions. But obviously, Marxist economics is a very rich theoretical system. It not only refers to economic theory and Marx's own writings, of course, not limited to "Das Kapital", which is limited to those only the equivalent of Marx, "said the British political economics" part. Broadly speaking, it is "a study of human social production and exchange of product distribution and the corresponding conditions and forms of science"; narrow sense, is the study of a particular society, these conditions, forms and laws the doctrine. On Marx's own theoretical system of economics is, according to his own vision, which should include the following three major parts: First, the first is the "economic areas" (rather than "economic areas"), criticism, or it can be said that the "bourgeois economic system" (in German System, or "system" or "system") criticism . And "This system is also described in the above described process and in the criticism of it." That is to say, Marx first committed to the bourgeois "political economy" of criticism, that the "capitalist mode of production as well and It is suited to the production and exchange relations, "the criticism, rather than working for the capitalist economy first" study "of criticism. Therefore, the writings of Marxist economics, "six planned" in the title, and "Das Kapital," the subtitle, not the "Critique of Political Economy", but "political and economic criticism." It is this that we think should be called "political and economic criticism" of the book, Marx planned it, "is divided into six volumes: (1) capital (including introduction of the chapter); (2) real estate; (3) Employment labor; (4) countries; (5) international trade; (6) the world market. "only one" sometimes can not help but be critical of other economists, especially Ricardo can not refute, because as assets, Ricardo, I can not do not make even from a strictly economic point of view of the error. " Second, followed by "critique of political economy and socialism and the history." Economics, this is what we now call "the history of economics" and "socialist economic theory History." And because "this is also the description of the system and process it in narrative criticism", so I think that should also include the Marxist economic relations for the future of social principles. Third, "Finally, areas of economic development or economic relations brief historical overview, and should be the third book." I think this is what we now call "economic history", or, at least, is " History of the capitalist economy. "