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撫順翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Abstract: The theory that capital formation, capital formation is an important factor in economic development. China's economy is based on the theory and "separatism", the market conditions are not uniform, articles from the capital formation model and analyze the formation mechanism of differences in the two areas east and west, a more reasonable explanation of China's economic development regional imbalance; and that gradually narrow regional economic development gap, west to fundamentally eliminate the cause of non-balanced development of regional economic power source, the formation of innovation as effective as the eastern capital formation model with capital formation mechanism. Keywords: regional economy; development gap; capital formationOne of the problem and literature reviewSince the reform and opening up, China's eastern, central and western regional economic development is uneven, widening the gap between growing trend. Only from the per capita GDP terms in 1978, east and west respectively, 457.4 yuan, 254 yuan, west of the east 55.53%. In 1994, the eastern, western GDP per capita was 5438 yuan, 2392 yuan, west to the east of 43.99%. In 1997, two regional per capita GDP was 8843 yuan, 3810 yuan, 43.09% east west, [1] gap is growing. In 2002 the eastern and western GDP per capita was 14,358 yuan, 5514.6 yuan, 38.4% in the west of the east. ① The data confirms the gap between research scholars of the region's point of view: the gap between the region generally considered relatively large, and there to further expand. The western provinces and autonomous regions economic and social development has been relatively slow, so far, hunger and poverty still plague some areas. Therefore, how to reduce regional economic disparities, and promote coordinated economic stability of China's regional development has been placed in the reality in front of people. Thinking and to solve this problem we must first explore the reasons for the formation of regional differences or factors. Factor in the regional gap in the existing literature, there is a big controversy. Many scholars from different angles, using different empirical data, gives a different answer. Lin and Liu Peilin analysis of China's regional disparity and said: provinces and autonomous regions in China the gap between the level of development is largely due to the priority development of heavy industry under the catch-up strategy for the formation of the structure factor of the stock configuration with a number of provinces and municipalities determine the endowment structure degree of inconsistency in line with comparative advantage. [2] Cai Fang and Du Yang study economic growth in China and found the existence of club convergence and conditional convergence of the phenomenon, that the scarcity of human capital endowments, market distortions and lack of openness makes it difficult to achieve in western and eastern convergence. [3] Wei Houkai that the eastern region and western region behind the differences between the GDP growth rate, about 90% caused by foreign investment. [4] Geng Chen Kunrong and strong foreign direct investment is that the regional imbalances in the distribution of intensified uneven development between regions. [5] Liang Qi from the perspective of industrial agglomeration in China since the reform and opening up the region to explain the development of non-equilibrium: the performance of three regions regional development concentrated in the eastern part of the manufacturing, export concentration and agglomeration of foreign direct investment and promote each other complement each other by the formation of industrial differences. [6] (p198-213) Some scholars from the perspective of institutional economics of China's reform and opening up regional economic disparities are discussed, that the root causes of the gap is the root cause behind the system inputs. In addition, some scholars from the market-oriented ownership structure explained by differences in the causes of regional disparities. Chen and Xu Ying Xiushan that the Institute for analysis of various factors, there is a certain degree of rationality. And that the formation of regional disparities at different times, the main factors are also different, in general is affected by many factors, these factors are often intertwined together, play a role similar to the impact force. Them by calculating the Gini coefficient, coefficient of variation, Serge indicator describes changes in regional disparities in the situation; based indicators show regional disparities stage of development, the use of the quantity and quality of inputs, the efficiency of factor allocation, efficiency factors, changes in four spatial pattern factors of regional disparities factors framework, different stages of the process during the formation of regional disparities in the impact of factors that play a leading role. [7] In summary, the causes of regional economic disparities is historical, natural, political, economic, social and cultural factors in many aspects of the result. From classical and neo-classical economic development and economic growth theory point of view, the size of capital formation is undoubtedly a decisive factor and its key constraints. ② development economics emphasizes accelerated industrialization and capital formation is a key prerequisite for economic take-off conditions. [8] (p180) This article from the theory of economic development and economic growth in factor inputs of capital contribution to economic growth in the regional economic development and growth analysis of differences in interpretation.