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白山翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:development of China-based Marxism pointed out the direction, the backward China into a preliminary-round prosperity of China. Especially the reform and opening up 27 years, average annual growth rate of 9%, GDP growth of 10 times the total per capita over $ 1,000. These rely on the Western economics it? No, it is Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory and "Three Represents" important thought and the scientific concept of development of Marxism in China and other guidance. In theory, Marxist economics in China can be regarded as the latest achievements in the field of human economics. It answers the socialist economic development in the most difficult problems, such as what is the nature of socialism, in the East economically backward countries can go through the rich and powerful socialist road, whether the combination of socialism and market economy and how to combine the face of China the actual development stage of socialism and how to understand the ownership structure in modern construction, how to solve specific urban-rural dual structure and the relationship between man and nature (including population), how large developing countries to achieve leapfrog development in accelerating development how to achieve comprehensive, coordinated, harmonious and avoid the "vicious circle", how to "first" with "common prosperity", both in opening up to the full use of international resources and to maintain an independent position, and so on. These are the West, including Nobel Prize winners, including economics and development economics does not solve the problem, the neo-liberal prescription is quack harm. By comparison, we can say that the profound economic socialism with Chinese characteristics, the system now needs to further deepen the study. How can you say there is no economic achievements China, there is no mainstream economics? China also rejected mainstream economics is the denial of Chinese Marxism. As there is no representative? Of course, devaluation of the most outstanding representatives of Deng Xiaoping. Back in the 1980s, not the Indian scholars said: "The Nobel Committee award should be stopped for any economist, compelling ... and do something, the next time is to be awarded to the Nobel Prize in Economics Deng Xiaoping. "transition countries, especially developing countries, many scholars believe that: Fortunately, that is, with China's largest Deng Xiaoping Theory. Now theorists, has consistently adhered to Marxism in China's Mr. Liu Guoguang, is also an important leader, and has done a large number of Marxist economists. Socialist market economy is Marxism in China's independent innovationWu Jinglian, Mr. He Wei are market-oriented reforms in China as evidence shows that the dominant Western economic reform in China, which is not consistent with the historical facts. "Socialist market economy" is just a new area of ??science of Marxism in China's own major theoretical innovation. Back in history, the "market economy" Lenin for the first time this concept is used. New Economic Policy period, he led the Soviet Union conducted a preliminary attempt, the resolution in the Soviet Union had "shift to a market economy in the form" expression. 1930s, the Polish Marxist economist, Austria ? Lange and Hayek, the originator of neo-liberal discourse when the battle over "market socialism." Our great Marxist Chen Yun in the 1950s raised the two markets and the use of market regulation. 70 years is not, Deng advocated a "socialist market economy can be" when is entirely based on decades of socialism proposed by the experience, not a Western economics "parked to goods." The theorists, the early spring of 1979, first proposed a "socialist market economy" view that Mr. Yu Zuyao, but based on his new economic policy Lenin's historical experience and our reality. The author also advocates the establishment of the early 1980s, specifically "multi-level socialist market economy" and "developed socialist commodity economy", also by no means borrowed Western economics. As for the mid-1980s, Deng Xiaoping, against all the odds many times when talking about the socialist market economy, can not say that the experience of Western countries did not learn, but the main thing from the reality of China, based on the development of productive forces, we can say with the West especially the neo-liberal economics irrelevant. The most compelling evidence is that the Chinese Communist Party congress to determine the socialist market economy system, Western economists have been up against and ridicule, that socialism and market economy can not seem to dissolve, like water and oil. This suggests that Western economics and Marxism in China is clearly the "two-lane running stock cars." "Socialist market economy" of intellectual property does not belong to foreigners, but belong to the Chinese people. As known as "Miss market" Mr. Wu Jinglian put Deng Xiaoping's market economy of time than ten years later, he was by the Western "modern economics" completely transformed and "wake up" is entirely his own thing, and do not represent China's mainstream economics, but not according to his view as a sign of China's mainstream economics. The nature of the market economy, and Mr. Wu Jinglian logic is that resource allocation to cover up the wealth of possession of the same configuration of differentiation, confusing two kinds of differences in the nature of the market economy, stressing that "the market economy itself, and not What divided the socialist and capitalist, "deny the socialist market economy, quality requirements. This is a very one-sided. It should be noted, though we learn from Western experience some success in practice, but we do not the old-fashioned set of capitalist market economy, but the new socialist market economy, reflects the allocation of resources and wealth share allocation the dialectical unity.