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白城翻譯公司關鍵字:Abstract: The historical practice shows that Chinese Marxism but Chinese mainstream economics. Said the "socialist market economy" is copied over from the West is neither in line with economic facts, but also deny the socialist nature of it, this new category is entirely China's independent innovation. Neo-liberalism is not the guiding ideology of China's reform, eliminate the negative effects of it, precisely in order to self-improvement along the socialist system, deepen the reform of the right direction. Implementation of the "double hundred" policy must adhere to the theme of Marxism in China, Mr. Liu Guoguang again advocated Marxist dominance in economics theorists will be widely supported. Keywords: mainstream economics; Chinese Marxism; neo-liberalCha can be called a theory which mainstream economics? In general there are three views: one is represented by Mr. Wu Jinglian that the Western mainstream economics is the economics of China (referred to as "modern economic science"); a representative is Mr. He Wei, that China has not mainstream economics or economics mainstream; Then there are represented by Mr. Liu Guoguang, a clear preference for the Chinese is the Marxist mainstream economics. It now appears that this dispute is not a simple term, is not purely academic factions "writers who" struggle (Wu Jinglian language), but what the dominant theory of consciousness as the issue of China's reform, is also related to the direction of China's reform . I do not conceal their views: the idea completely agree with Mr. Liu Guoguang, found in China's Marxist economics (or economics of socialism with Chinese characteristics) is China's mainstream economics. Now some controversial issues on personal views."Mainstream economics" of the content and standards and their positioning in China's history"Mainstream" comes from the West, means for te then adopted by the Government on a temporary account for a strong academic school of economics. Where the last term the main schools of classical economics, "Great Depression" after three decades Keynesian-based schools, in nearly a decade of neo-classical and neo-liberalism has become the mainstream (in fact, after in their countries did not implement the rule, but big abroad sell). China is really no formal reference to mainstream, but in recent years has been modeled on the West, to the title to move to China, as well as the neo-liberal economics, also known as China's mainstream. Mr. Wu Jinglian tribute to the West "modern economics" in our communication and in the reform of the "guiding" role, strongly refuted the so-called "China has its own actual situation, the Western economic theory is not consistent with China" and other phrases, and "with Western theory China cut the actual "is understandable, made no secret that only the Western economics in order to solve China's problems, of course, become China's mainstream economics. Peking University, one scholar even more clear: regardless of the number of people in teaching or educational content, to the West should now recognize the dominance of economics in China. Mr. He Wei on the one hand that "China is not currently in a" mainstream economics, adding that China "from abroad more than their original small, a unique, distinctive point of view, to be socially recognized China not form a school of economics ", in fact, China is in favor of Western-led economic reforms (such as the reform of property rights), and the criticism of neo-liberalism in a negative manner (intentionally mixed with Marxist economics, but also the consensus of the people," Western Economics " category). In the end there is no Chinese mainstream economics actually do? If you insist with or without words, it should be a definite answer: Yes, that is in China's Marxist faction. Marx's "Communist Manifesto" in the famous saying: "Any ruling ideology of an era, but always thinking of the ruling class." China's Constitution has long been clear: our guiding ideology is Marxism-Leninism. Deng Xiaoping has repeatedly stressed: Marxism to "play a leading role in a real intellectual," which "the victory of the Chinese revolution, a spiritual force." Marxism in China should be the intellectual of our country must also be "mainstream." Chinese-Marxist economics should become China's economics "mainstream." Specifically adhere to this basic point of view, have sufficient practice under, there are great theoretical achievements. So, is there a judge of mainstream economics standards? Yes, that is social and historical practice. Practice is the sole criterion for testing truth. China's "mainstream" economics is not self, not the label affixed at random, but selected by the historical practice. In other words, what kind of theory can solve the Chinese revolution, construction and reform and opening up the problem, it is the Chinese theory of the "mainstream." In our evaluation of the status of a theory, is not how people boast, is not it how mysterious novel, but that can not solve China's problems, is not useful. Mao Zedong said: "Any idea, if you do not, and the combination of the objective reality of things, if there is no objective need, if not for the masses to grasp, even the best of things, even Marxist, also does not work. "Deng Xiaoping highlighting" to useful. " If the date from the 1911 Revolution, has 94 years of history, then, what is the theory to solve the Chinese revolution and construction problems? Not the West's political, economic theory, but Marxism, especially in China Marxism. From the founding date, in 55 years China is still building the