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信陽翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:If China's mainstream economists are only now being proven a failure, then China's non-mainstream economists is twenty years ago has been proven a failure, because they are more demands on the Soviet Union and China's unique "Marx doctrine of economic theory. " Marxist Communist Party of China during the revolution in order to gather the political strength of the theory, this situation determines the Marxist theory in China is a political struggle to serve a political tool, rather than to explain the real economic problem-oriented economic academic . Lang is also China's non-mainstream economists do not ignore the root causes of the kind. If China's mainstream economists are not economists, China's non-mainstream economists even more than economists had. V. Lang misdiagnosisThat China's mainstream and non-mainstream economists now proved to be a failure ruthless, are not reliable. So in an attempt to go beyond the mainstream and non-mainstream Chinese Lang on whether it can rely on it, Professor? Here we analyze the beginning of this article referred to Professor Lang prescription Chinese economy. Rather, Lang's proposal includes two parts, one is the cause, one prescription. Lang's diagnosis of the cause of China's reform and China's lack of results "trust responsibility." Different sides of the origins of capitalism, many interpretations, which Max Weber from the "ethos" angle to explain capitalism. He believes that capitalism originated in the "rational and systematic pursuit of profit impersonal attitude," and Calvin's Protestant Ethic and help shape the rationality of such a system, in other words that the Spirit of Capitalism Weber qualities derived from religious discipline. Lang seems to want to stand on the shoulders of Weber's attempt to diagnosis from the perspective of the ethos of China's reform, he judged that China's lack of "fiduciary duty." So really the spirit of capitalism, as Weber's Protestant ethic originated in the personification of the system of non-rational? Clear answer to this question does not seem easy, the job requires a monograph. However, this article attempts to give a simple answer here. The answer is no. Weber's attention too much, placed on the evolution of the ethos, but it ignores the significant changes in other dimensions of society. For example, the Renaissance's efforts to get rid of the inhuman discipline of religious life, advocated the secular nature of human life. The significance of the Renaissance religious discipline is breaking the constraints of free-living individuals. In this sense, I think that the Renaissance marked the beginning is "The Prince" was published. Machiavelli indirectly, but in this book explicitly to declare war on Christian ethics, even though his real intention is to safeguard the Italian monarchy, but the effect is to undermine an objective authority of Christianity. After the Renaissance, especially after the Enlightenment, people's moral values, a qualitative change occurs, is from the denial of individual "desires" of the Christian moral values ??to recognize the individual "desires" of the modern social attitudes. Happiness is a personal "desires" to meet, to meet individuals 'desires' what is wealth, and the pursuit of wealth is the power of property rights. Therefore, the recognition of individuals' desires, "an inevitable result, is a recognition that individual property rights. Western society, the recognition of property rights for individuals to start all the struggle and even war. In recognition of "desires" and "property rights", the rest of the things is the desire of people to use their own well-being of the property in the existing social knowledge and wealth accumulation desperately digging wealth, and make money. This is capitalism. To explain this process, I propose a "system of nuclear theory", the theory attempts to establish a new logical framework to support the evolution of the human system. The so-called system-core is, the specific social support system to support the underlying human moral values. The theory is that, in human history and evolution of the production system, there are two systems of nuclear, nuclear generated the first system in the West, ancient Greece to the Roman Empire, the establishment of this short period of time, that China's Spring and Autumn Period. The first system core, is aware of the individual "desires" of the existence of yet unable to meet under the background, in order to avoid the pain, the first negative system of core personal "desires" and thus deny the individual property rights. In the first system of support, all sorts of inhuman evolved specific social system. For example, the Western Christian asceticism, China's three cardinal guides and the five permanent members. Similarly, the human is also the first system based on the constraints of the nuclear system, slowly carried the accumulation of social knowledge and wealth. With the accumulation of knowledge and wealth of society, mankind gradually realize that their ability to meet the nuclear system in the first period realized the "desires", able to create their own happiness. Began rejecting a system core, a second system of nuclear, which is said to admit personal "desires" and "property." That second system formed in the West, nuclear Renaissance and Enlightenment.