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綏化翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Department in the army and military supply relationship between the established order, the military research and production units with mandatory program requirements on the mandatory constraints gradually giving way to contract law. In a mandatory plan as a means of military supply system, in order to protect the military needs of the military departments, mainly bound to take the mandatory requirement of the mandatory plan to achieve. That is, by the national authorities for the supply of military departments to develop specific and detailed military research and production plans and the specific implementation of the military research and production program to a different research and production units. Both research and production units which, once accepted military research and production planning task must complete the letter. Mandatory military research and production in order to ensure implementation of the plan, and to better meet the needs of the military department of the military, the state adopted mandatory general approach to be bound by administrative means. Establishment of the army and military supply relationship between the department's order, in the protection needs of the military department of the military in general, do not take compulsory administrative means to be constrained, but mainly by demand sector with the supply department of military orders signed contracts with the legal form to protect the needs of the military department of the military. Is emphasized by Deng Xiaoping: "It seems all ministries should implement contract. ... ... Entered into a contract to have the number, there must be quality, there must be progress, there must be the price, ... the contract is the law, law ah ! does not perform or perform poorly, it is necessary for compensation. " March 14, 1997, by the Fifth Session of the Eighth National People's Congress, "National Defense Law of the People's Republic" form of law to establish a formal military order relationship between supply and demand sectors, and proposed the implementation of national military order system development. "National Defense Act" clearly states: "State-building needs of national defense and socialist market economy, the implementation of national military order system to protect the weapons and other military materiel procurement and supply." In order to protect national military order to truly implement the system , further accordance with the "separation of supply and demand" principle, supply and demand for weapons and equipment management system for a major adjustment and reform. March 10, 1998, the Ninth National People's Congress adopted "reform plan on the State Department's decision," undo May 10, 1982 established the National Defense Committee, to establish a new National Defense Committee, as the functions of the State Council, the management one of the sectors of defense industry to industry management. Meanwhile, former National Defense Ministry and General Staff as the main equipment, set up under the leadership of the General Armament Department of the Central Military Commission, as the management of weapons and equipment orders. State Council and CMC clear that, under the jurisdiction of the General Armament Department of the weapons business user departments, and centralized management of National Defense, the military research and manufacturing units are equipped with the relationship between order and organization of production, is the relationship between supply and demand. To establish a coordinated, orderly, standardized and efficient system of procurement of equipment, to further standardize the equipment procurement, in October 2002 the CMC promulgated the implementation of the "People's Liberation Army equipment procurement regulations." This is adjusted our military equipment management system, the formulation and promulgation of standards of military weapons and equipment procurement of the first basic rules. In December 2003, the General Armament Department issued "equipment procurement program management" and the "equipment procurement contract management" and the "equipment procurement regulations and procedures," "Equipment manufacturing unit qualification regulations" and "the same type of equipment centralized procurement regulations "and other supporting regulations, constitutes a new legal system and equipment procurement.