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哈爾濱翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字: Chinese Communist Party under the leadership of the military base economic development, especially in agriculture, industrial and commercial development, not only benefits people derive a lot, win broad support of the people, but also the general public through the battlefield, military and economic work of the liberated areas, see Chinese Communist Party leadership in order to see the military nature of the people's army serving the people wholeheartedly, but also saw the army-people unity as one of the great power can be generated. Base the majority of people living in long-term production, not only with our party formed a "fish and water", but also to enhance persist in the war in the end, the final victory to win the confidence and determination. The majority of farmers stand to defend the fruits of land and labor, to join the army entered the war enthusiastically, showing great Japanese enthusiasm. Base areas behind enemy lines, often you can see, "her mother called the children to play Japan, Lang sent his wife on the battlefield," the moving scene. Especially The Empire Strikes Back stage, the majority party to respond to the call of the militia, the army set off a wave, so the main force of the rapid development and growth, which the Eighth Route Army of 507,620 people by the end of 1944 soared to 1,028,893 in 1945, representing an increase of 103%. Workers, peasants and students extensively Yongjunyouzhu campaign to step up production to support the front. Sui liberated the proposed ordnance factory workers, "The more you sweat the rear, the front less bloody" slogan, automatic stop paychecks and benefits, overtime campaign production, a large number of military production to complete the task. Women worked hard day and night for the front-line officers and men working towards coat, shoes and blankets. According to statistics, the eight-year war in the 1937-1945 period, the nation's militia and guerrilla war and with combat athletes directly over 296,500 times, and destroy the enemy of more than 166,000. [16] In addition, the majority of the people also responsible for the transport forage, transport, ammunition, transportation and many other heavy wounded war service work. It can be said eight-year war is the ultimate victory of the common struggle of all Chinese people to the results. (C) to enhance the country's national spirit of the people of self-relianceJapanese imperialism on China's brutal invasion and plundered, the majority of people to the Chinese brought grave disaster. Survival of the Chinese nation almost to a critical juncture. I liberated the battlefield to carry out military and economic work, not only for the victory of the war provided a solid economic support, and further enhance self-reliance of all the Chinese people's national spirit. In Chinese people's Anti-Japanese War, Chinese soldiers and civilians experienced and endured unimaginable hardships and pain, Mao Zedong made such a description: We "do not have to get clothes to wear, eat no oil, no paper, no food, the soldiers no shoes and socks, the staff has not been covered in the winter, "" Only a pair of pants each summer, many comrades did not wear pants, wash pants, squat river, and so dry and we have to shore to re-wear. " [17] It is in this extreme case, the anti-Japanese base areas the general public under the leadership of the Chinese Communist Party, and the Eighth Route and New Fourth Army and other forces one to begin the hard work behind enemy lines in military and economic enterprises. Military and civilian large-scale production campaign of the Chinese nation in difficult times played in a special self-reliance, self-reliance of the sublime movement. In March 1941, at the behest of the Central Command, Wang Zhen rate of 359 Brigade moved into the Eighth Route Army Nanniwan deserted them in the absence of production capital and the production tools of extremely difficult circumstances, promote self-reliance, self-reliance of the fighting spirit After three years of hard work to achieve a grain, vegetables, and all white to, and do "more than a cultivated one." All the soldiers were able to wear in the winter coat, wool vests, wool scarves, wool socks, and use it yellow army blankets and so on. 359 brigades, the military is a military battlefield, behind enemy lines as a microcosm of the economic work. Military battlefield behind enemy lines in the army in economic work, similar to the model 359 travel stories as well. These deeds will forever inspire the Chinese self-improvement, and enthusiastic.