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衡水翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Recently held in Beijing National Vocational Education Conference, representatives of one thing caused great emotion. China's rocket technology is world class, but in the 1990s several launch failures, not the main reason the design problem, but create problems. What is the limit of "Made in China" level? Experts pointed out that vocational education is lagging behind, a lack of qualified skilled workers, is the key reason. Our senior technicians account for the proportion of the total number of skilled workers is only 3.5%, and 40% in developed countries far. At present the whole CNC machine operator on the shortage of 60 million people. According to the Ministry of Labor and Social Security recently released information, the second quarter of this year, 81 cities in China, the first, second, the proportion of tertiary industry demand numbers were 1.9%, 28.7% and 69.4% . Employment needs of the manufacturing sector increased by 6.2% over last year, while the senior is still a serious shortage of skilled personnel. Thus, in the recently held National Vocational Education conference, Premier Zhu Rongji, Vice Premier Li, Vice Premier Wu Bangguo delivered a speech respectively, are seen the government's emphasis on vocational education. Department of Labor and Social Security Training and Employment, Deputy Director Liu Kang then proposed to create "quality plant." China wants to become the world's factory, play the "Made in China 'influence, we must accelerate the reform of vocational education. To this end the Ministry of Labor and Social Security launched a "three million" re-employment training programs, skills action plan and implement the revitalization of employment, access control of the three plans. The State Council, Pan Yue, deputy director of economic reform in the July 28 meeting of the "World Economic Outlook and China manufacturing industry," Forum, suggests that the current to continue to deepen reform, expand opening up, to further improve the institutional environment, policy environment and legal environment full development, use and play the comparative advantages of China's processing industry, and on this basis, the formation of a wide range of comprehensive competitive edge, to promote real "world factory" in the early formation of our country. He believes that China become a "world factory" hinges around its comparative advantages, to create the formation of an independent, complete, multi-level, coordinated development of the manufacturing system, on the one hand to attract more foreign investment enterprises into the system, On the one hand the development of advanced manufacturing technology to create our own brands and intellectual property. Deepen the reform of government administration. Plant construction in the world and the development process, the government will play a major institutional and policy environment to create the role and improve the environment for foreign investment, optimize foreign investment structure. China will not only foreign production workshop, and should be a number of foreign businesses, especially multinational research and development centers, production bases and regional headquarters. Carefully build the world's manufacturing baseMore and more facts show that China is at an alarming rate to the "world factory" advance. Government departments have been released on the first half of the economic operation of the data, foreign trade data is undoubtedly the most exciting. The foreign trade and economic operation of the two bright spots, one feed processing trade increased rapidly, and second, foreign-invested enterprises have become a major force in supporting export growth. Two common factors reflected a trend is this: China's manufacturing base and strong bright future is attracting international investors and multinational corporations to their capital and the transfer of production bases to China, China has increasingly become the world's most important industrial production and supply base. But China is to become the world's factory, not overnight.