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汕尾翻譯公司關鍵字:suppliers, a supplier are lower than the car may become in such a way. Here we deal with the attitude of private enterprises, private enterprises is not only its own problems, is the issue of national interest, an interest in speaking, discrimination of private enterprise, is the country's future development irresponsible attitude. To be more emotional that private enterprise is the attitude of patriotism, we are willing to let such a large country's economic lifeline, was completely dominated by foreign-funded enterprises, if we do not want, then we must be followed by private enterprises to create good development environment, whether it is the policy, institutional, or applications, I think it is very important. The development of state-owned enterprises to really solve the issue of property rights must b- The history of Shanxi Road 100 years time, from south to north into China's largest business organizations are very important reason is that operators have a high enough incentive and property rights I would like to mention the state-owned enterprises. I want to say here is that state-owned enterprise reform over the past 25 years, from the beginning we did not really consider it state-owned enterprises have property rights. So we simply devolution of power, with the contract system, and so the solution to the problem of state-owned enterprises, these approaches can only be proved only up to a pain medication, injections, can only solve the problem of the moment, there is no way to solve the long-term state-owned enterprises problem, 90 years, we increasingly recognize that the state-owned enterprises to really develop its property rights must be addressed. In the inside managers to treat the problem of state-owned enterprises, is actually a very important issue. Over the past few years, I think our mainstream economists and government policy departments have formed a basic consensus, this consensus is what? Is the operator of state-owned enterprises should be given a high enough incentive, such incentives can be bonuses, annual salary in the form of, more importantly, through the form of equity, equity may be through the form of options may also be purchased through direct his part of the equity share the form. This I think this is a basic consensus. I am here to talk about is that we now often easy to state-owned enterprise managers reward, incentive problems only regarded as a treatment of his own, in essence, is not the case, which is the country's interests, business interests, as the interests of the whole nation. I think if we do not need to learn from the West. I have talked about the advantage of the West, we have the ancient Chinese, we have a lot of good experience, we have the opportunity to visit Pingyao, Shanxi number of votes, his incentives to be smarter than we are the state sector is many times why a club, that is, we are now part of the equity shareholders are willing to give those dispensers free of charge, that is, CEO, he is for his own interests, he is not for the interests of the CEO, this is a personal stock, last Shanxi Road, a considerable part of the ticket number of physical shares representing over club holding the capital stock ratio, accounting for 60% more than the maximum, where the firms to pay dividends, 60 percent somewhat to the managers, personal shares, thirty-four% to the club is to address these managers, we are now talking about the 59-year-old phenomenon, generally after retirement, no longer personal stock dividends, no, you did the last few years is not good, this time, the owner can even allow the treasurer of this person shares , its managers, it's children to inherit a number of years, in such a way to increase its incentives. So it makes Shanxi Road 100 years time, from south to north into China's largest business organizations are very important.The core issue is not state-owned but the owner manager- State-owned system, the manager is easy to polarization, Lei Feng became a real Huolei Feng, the cause for national officers, and those likely to become corrupt, we have no middle ground, or is our saint, or is small people. Therefore, we must from the real solution to this problem on the system In particular, I comment on that, Mr. Fan Hengshan just mentioned, we are state-owned enterprises a mechanism of economic selection, I very much agree with this, but his answer I have a different view. I always thought that the core issue is not state-owned enterprises the manager's problem, but the owner of the question, who active and good manager, and now we have not resolved. If we agree that state-owned enterprise managers a high reward for his good work, the election managers of these people who are not motivated to engage in these real people, I doubt, I have concluded over a word, the state-owned enterprises manager, or how stable position, we in the West, including the Shanxi Road just said, Chinese companies, you have to do this position, you engage in this business the better, more money to shareholders, do you position more stable. Now state-owned enterprises is not the case, you do place the best way to do a die does not live in this business, you can not let him make too much money, let him not too bad, this is our basic form. Many large state-owned enterprises do a good, general manager very spirit of reform, he can solve the following incentives to employees, but no one has to solve his own incentives. Therefore, the state system, the manager is easy to polarization, Lei Feng became a real Huolei Feng, the cause for national officers, and those likely to become corrupt, we have no middle ground, not able to make an artificial state and society contribute time, while they receive better pay, so that he sustained enthusiasm for the state and society officer. There are some very talented entrepreneurs in the past, excluding utilitarian, excluding fame and fortune, finally go to the opposite, this is precisely the system we need to think about, so that we can not see these people through education, because human nature is the same, changing its behavior, we must proceed from the system, making each person contribute to the country, the time to contribute to society, so he is given adequate compensation, he has been good enough to make their own reward, he would make the country more the contribution. Our society needs more gentleman, a gentleman do, a gentleman's love of money in a proper way. We can not do this. We are either saints is, or is the villain. Therefore, we must truly from the system to solve this problem. Government officials, academics and media must have a public responsibility- Officials not to put your official positions more than anything else, it is important that you are not as dry a real social thing, we focus too much gap between rich and poor, ignored the reform process of the creation of wealth itself, only through reform, create wealth, we can solve so many problems in society Finally, I want to emphasize that the historical responsibility, I want to remind the government officials from both scholars and the public, the media must have a sense of responsibility. I am very sorry to see our government officials are most concerned about is his official positions, so a sign of trouble would be, so we have a lot of damage caused by the reform, including reform of state-owned enterprises, many people in order to protect his post, he also accused others fear, loss of state assets, and would rather dragging piles of the reform of state-owned enterprises should not change, and finally dragged finished, he has no responsibility. First of all government officials to establish a social responsibility. Do not put your official positions more than anything else, it is important for the community you are not a true dry matter. 80 years time, our national leaders propose to allow the reform to make mistakes, do not reform must not be allowed. This would be misleading, but we understand it correctly is right. We are now a lot of government departments would rather not reform, we absolutely do not commit any error under the rules, and in fact he made a bigger mistake, and this is irresponsible in this country and the nation. And our scholars have such a problem, we order, our media, have this responsibility. We are now 25 years of reform and opening up, now look at a lot of growing up in a generation, a generation 25 years, in this sense, we think we do Yikusitian cultural revolution, born in the new society, long under the red flag did not know the plight of the old society, we really need for Yikusitian, before and after the reform and opening up more questions, it may make to our society places a very critical