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武威翻譯公司關鍵字:3, including agricultural enterprises, including the establishment of the credit guarantee system.SME credit guarantee by the SME credit guarantee institutions and creditors have agreed to ensure that the way to provide security for the creditors, when the guarantor can not perform their obligations under the contract, by the guarantor to provide compensation and bear the responsibility of the debtor or to perform their obligations It is a proof of creditworthiness and asset liability combined behavior of financial intermediaries, financial institutions can exclude SME financing barriers of inadequate collateral, insufficient credit to make up for small and medium enterprises, the profits of both supply and demand changes in capital flows and residual control right configuration structure, decentralized financial institutions for SMEs financing risks, and promote the occurrence of financing transactions, and then optimize the financial structure. In the process of industrialization of agriculture, to leading enterprises into the SME credit guarantee system, perfect for the leading financial services business services system. Solve the leading agricultural enterprises loans, guarantees difficult, difficult problem mortgages, some banks to reduce risk, improve the financing bank to the leading enterprises in the enthusiasm, the key is to build leading companies, including SME credit guarantee system. SME credit guarantee system for SMEs should be based on mutual aid between the security agencies and private commercial guarantee institutions, based on the establishment of provincial re-guarantee institutions, for the area, including agricultural enterprises, including SME credit guarantee institutions services, carry out general guarantee and re-enforce re-guarantee business, and with the People's Bank, finance and other departments within the jurisdiction of SME credit guarantee institutions supervision. Institutions and re-guarantee institutions guarantee agreement between the risk ratio for risky projects should implement a mandatory re-guarantee. SME credit guarantee institutions and partner banks to establish a good working relationship with a good job of leading enterprises in the loan after the monitoring of funds. SME credit guarantee institutions may choose to partner banks and credit management, and collaboration to ensure a clear responsibility to form banks, guarantee funds magnification, guarantees, responsibility-sharing ratio, etc., by the security agencies will collaborate bank deposit guarantee funds in liquidity to banks for business loans, the banks decide whether to issue a secured loan, loan loss sharing ratio by sharing the responsibility. 4, strongly support the social service support system, improving the agricultural industry of the social environment.One is to actively support agricultural wholesale markets and urban-rural integration. Establishment of a sound rural market system and market service functions of the perfect, is to speed up the process of industrialization of agriculture an important part of financial support for rural development of agricultural industrialization indispensable content. Therefore, the rural financial sector to actively participate in the planning, and careful selection of an open, unified, competitive and orderly agricultural products wholesale market, professional market seed, organic fertilizer market, farm machinery rental markets, factor markets, and many other types of technology services market, support multi-level marketing as a key feature to improve the rural market system and promote the wholesale trade market, the market share for agricultural services group, the production and marketing closer together, to promote agricultural production, processing and marketing development. Meanwhile, a small town in rural agro-industries and markets as an important carrier for the development of small towns and the implementation of agricultural industrialization can complement each other and mutually reinforcing. Therefore, the rural financial institutions should support the integration of urban and rural construction and rural infrastructure, rural power grids further increase the delivery of loans, and actively involved in small cities and developed 'towns' water supply, electricity, gas, telecommunications, cable TV, environmental protection infrastructure construction and urban land development projects. Second is to focus on agro-industrial township enterprises continue to support and expand the region's deep processing of agricultural products, farmers play their employment absorption, active role of the rural economy. Particular attention to the industrialization of agriculture to support those who provide prenatal, perinatal and postnatal services related businesses and organizations, to establish a more perfect market service system and security mechanisms to improve the basic conditions for rural economic development to promote the industrialization of agriculture The rapid development.