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嘉峪關(guān)翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Summary: the development of agricultural industrialization, requires a lot of financial support, the existing rural financial system, financial and agricultural industrialization in support of the existence of many problems: rural financial system is seriously lagging behind, the industrialization of agriculture appear absence of financial support; agricultural industry of their own vulnerability and the financing of agricultural enterprises within the weak nature, restricted credit for the industrialization of agriculture; agricultural industrialization adverse external financing environment; agricultural insurance in place, exacerbated the tight supply situation in rural finance; lack of line effective credit evaluation system and a sound credit guarantee system; and so on. Therefore, we want to build a sound industrial management of agriculture system of financial support: sound rural financial supply system; improve the rural diversified agricultural investment and financing system; including agricultural leading enterprises including the establishment of the credit guarantee system; strong support of social services support system; building and development of rural non-financial system; selecting the right carrier framework of credit support for agriculture; standards and innovation in rural financial regulatory system; and so on. Keywords agricultural industry; finance; system;First, the industrial management of agriculture need financial supportAgricultural industrialization of agricultural production scale, intensive, specialized inevitable product of the industrialization of agriculture in the international concept of the Harvard University Business School, the high De Boge in the late 1950s first proposed, usually means from the supply of agricultural materials such as seeds, fertilizers and farm machinery, agricultural products, food processing and food supply of a range of agricultural producers, food processing companies and professional associations (community groups) composed of a chain of agricultural products. In the 1950s, the industrialization of global agriculture trade amounted to $ 420 billion, of which agricultural products account for over 1 / 3, the projected 2028 turnover of the industrialization of agriculture will rise to $ 10 trillion, of which agricultural trade will amount to $ 1 trillion. In China, the agriculture industry in 1993, Weifang City, Shandong Province, in the sum of agricultural and rural development experience, as a new agricultural development strategy first proposed, it is in agriculture on the basis of the family business, a guide through the organization a decentralized management around the leading industries and products, the implementation of regional distribution, professional production, integration, management, social services, enterprise management, the formation of lead in the market, leading with a base, base with farmers, cultivation, breeding, production, supply, foreign trade, farming, integrated production management system. With distinct Chinese characteristics. Industrialization of agriculture has been made, they were the levels of government, theory and the central leadership's attention. Agricultural industrialization is China's second rural household contract responsibility system, township and village enterprises big and again after the development of large-scale reform is to promote the transition from traditional agriculture to modern agriculture, the natural choice to take a new road to industrialization, the level of comprehensive well-off the only way. Agricultural industrialization is the inevitable trend of today's agricultural development, industrialization of agriculture in developed countries have entered the advanced stage of development, and comprehensively promote China's agriculture is in the process of industrialization of agriculture among the, or the initial stage. Industrialization of agriculture has become China's agricultural and rural economic development of the basic trends and effective form. Development of agricultural industrialization in the rural industrial structure adjustment of the necessary means to achieve structural economic growth in rural areas the only way. In the process of industrialization of agriculture, according to C-D production function Y = f (K, L, M, A), the level of agricultural output depends on capital invested in agriculture, labor, land and agricultural technology (broadly) four kinds of factors of production. Currently, funding is restricted and inadequate support to the outstanding problems of agricultural industrialization. How to play in the rural financial sector in the industrialization of agriculture's role is related to the development of agricultural industrialization prospects, worthy of serious study. Finance is the lifeblood of the economy. Development of agricultural industrialization, requires a lot of financial support. Agricultural industrialization of the agricultural sector and the exchange of material non-agricultural sector increased production of extension in the expansion of agriculture, industry participants in the financial sector, growing demand, mainly in the following aspects: First, the agricultural industry by relying on the external environment requires financial support. Foster rural economic development needs of various market factors, the market needs of production, agricultural products and processed products wholesale market, social services market, also need communications, transportation and storage facilities and other infrastructure. As public construction projects and long-term, strengthen agriculture, rural infrastructure needs financial support, especially financial policy support. Second, leading companies need a lot of liquidity as the acquisition of raw materials security. Agricultural products is characterized by seasonal, fall farmers need cash to solve agricultural production funds after living expenses, which requires the relevant large-scale cotton and oil processing enterprises focused on the acquisition, as a raw material reserves, working capital it needs is the amount of loans large, and the use of time is relatively concentrated. Third, the leading enterprises need a comprehensive and convenient financial services. From the traditional deposit, loan, exchange business to the new credit rating, financial advice, discounted, rental business, is a modern enterprise needs. Fourth, the farmers need short-term, temporary production funds for Shouzhu, distribution and processing, some farmers need to provide electronic exchange, capital settlement, credit card, payment and other financial services commission income. However, the current situation, the slow growth of farmers' income in recent years, many township enterprises have declined, diminishing the accumulation of its own agriculture, largely restricting the industrialized operation of agriculture, capital accumulation capacity; see from the financial investment in recent years , with the agricultural policy of continuous improvement of the status of all levels of government for the financial support of the industrialization of agriculture continue to increase, the central and local governments to allocate funds each year to support the industry leading enterprises, but small amount of money, and money separately management, it is difficult to play more effective. Coupled with the county liabilities serious financial difficulties, no special matching funds to implement, and funds for supporting agriculture in various ways to squeeze things are commonplace, so the financial support of the industrialization of agriculture has fundamentally improved the short-term difficulties. Finance economic development in the modern play many important functions, the financial impact of savings through financial → Investment → affect the flow of capital structure → structure → impact factors of production affect the capital stock of the impact of industrial structure → structure of the chain effect of economic factors investment and factor productivity increase; government policy through the development of implementation such as preferential loans, commercial loans and other financial guarantee policy policy measures will be money to the quality, technical feasibility and market prospects of the companies and projects, can effectively promote the development of industrial projects and enterprises. Therefore, the industrial management of agriculture must give full play to the important financial role in efforts to create a favorable financing environment, strong financial resources to attract the participation and support. Only for the agricultural industry to provide financial support, the pillar industry to promote the leading enterprises, cooperative economic organization, by leading enterprises, farmers cooperative economic organization led to the formation of interest driven by the economic chain reaction, but also to activate the rural market, the rural economic development and financial growth of "win-win."