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滁州翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:"Diagnostic poverty line" calculation involves the following issues: geographical coverage, the impact of family size and composition and the use of which the poverty line. For China, a vast geographical features of different countries, the geographical coverage is a very important issue. As a result of regional consumption structure, prices and living standards (or per capita income) vary widely, so the use of a unified national poverty line may distort the pattern of poverty in the region. Although the provincial poverty line have the same flaws, but lower than the national poverty line to reliable number. Meanwhile, the personal standard of living depends on their family size and age structure of family members, therefore, of the poverty line families also need to adjust the size and composition. Where designated on the poverty line, the paper advocates the use of several rather than a poverty line. This is because: first, the determination is not absolute poverty. Second, the selected poverty indicators are always a little measurement error.Calculate the poverty line, another important issue is the "absolute" and "relative" poverty line to choose between. Turning to the poverty line in this paper refer to the absolute poverty line, the concept of basic needs it as a starting point. The poverty line is different between provinces, and generally change over time. (C) the urban poverty line estimatesGeneral need to estimate the poverty line, estimated food poverty line, because the primary goal of poverty reduction is to provide adequate nutrition underprivileged. In the food poverty line and further identified on the basis of per capita basic "non-food expenses", you can get the general poverty line, which is commonly referred to as the poverty line. According to the 1998 urban household survey data, we calculated the provinces and the national food poverty line and the general poverty line, see Table. It can be seen two outstanding features: first, the provincial poverty lines vary widely. Coastal provinces is higher than the national average poverty line, poverty lines to inland provinces below the national average, only three provinces, exceptions, these three provinces: Yunnan (inland provinces, the national average poverty line is 102%), Liaoning and Jiangsu (coastal provinces, the national average poverty line are 95.4% and 96.5%). This shows that the national uniform poverty line underestimates the coastal provinces of poverty, while exaggerating the inland provinces of poverty, the end result is a serious distortion of the provinces of the poverty level. Second, the food poverty line and the general poverty line ratio was different. This ratio represents the poverty line, defined according to the general standard of living in the share of food consumption. It can be seen, the share of food consumption is higher than the national average per capita income of the province, including the high provinces, including low income per capita of provinces such as Guangdong and Shanghai (part of the former), Guizhou and Gansu (the latter .) This shows that although the share of food consumption with per capita income / expenditure rise and fall, but the measure of living standards, the share of food consumption as the basis is flawed, because including prices, household size and composition and no direct relationship with the living standards of local cooking habits and so impact on food expenditures.