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阿里翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:3.4.1 After joining the WTO, China will return to an open multilateral trading system, thereby changing the current exports to some countries over-reliance on the situation has greatly improved the market environment of China's agricultural trade. WTO accession for China's active participation in international exchanges and cooperation in agricultural technology, attract foreign investment to provide new opportunities The traditional small-scale operation is difficult to take advantage of these favorable conditions, but the agricultural industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 to implement Mao Gongnong, Chan Jiaxiao integration, cooperation by leading enterprises, intermediary organizations, to link up farmers and organic markets, and change thousands of families into the market-leading business專業(yè)英語翻譯公司科技文件翻譯哪里最好 or other intermediary organizations into the market to construct a market economy under the conditions of new agricultural business專業(yè)英語翻譯公司科技文件翻譯哪里最好 organizations, individual farmers can overcome this new organization the drawbacks of closed manufacturing operations, there is a strong ability to market, can take full advantage of the situation under the WTO largest market for agriculture. Meanwhile, the industrial management has to absorb and accept the dynamic mechanism of science and technology, leading enterprises and intermediary organizations in order to compete successfully in the market is bound to the seed breeding, cultivation, management and processing, storage, transport and other links active use of new technologies at home and abroad, to improve the technological content of agricultural production, small-scale farmers to overcome the operation and promotion of the contradictions of modern technology. Industrial management help to increase agricultural investment body, the industrialization process, and we must invest in agriculture, diversify from a single subject, by the state investment to the state, society, business專業(yè)英語翻譯公司科技文件翻譯哪里最好, multi-input farmers from domestic investment to foreign investment and domestic investment in a combination of input mechanism, and thus the conditions for foreign investment after joining the WTO, technical conditions make full use of them. 1.3.5 Agricultural industrialization is based on the household contract management approach to achieve agricultural modernization China's rural household contract management is the most basic operation system is the cornerstone of rural policy專業(yè)翻譯公司收費價格. Were much less, is China's basic national conditions, more rural situation in the short term there will be no fundamental change. We can not take the Western countries by expanding the scale of land management to achieve the path of agricultural modernization. Development of agricultural industrialization, the leading business專業(yè)英語翻譯公司科技文件翻譯哪里最好 and professional cooperative economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 organizations and thousands of families to establish various forms of joint and cooperative, you can not change the case of the family contracting business專業(yè)英語翻譯公司科技文件翻譯哪里最好, so that decentralized management of small-scale farmers to specialized production and the Commonwealth large-scale agricultural production base, with a good opportunity to join the WTO, in the larger context of the development of China's agricultural market, promote agricultural faster, stronger development. This opens up in the small-scale family-run, based on the effective absorption of advanced factors of production, improve the overall scale of agricultural new ways to achieve a realistic choice for China's agricultural modernization. 2 status of development of agricultural industrialization and problems2.1 China's agricultural industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 development status2.1.1 Leading companies have been expanding, growing driving force