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克拉瑪依翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 in the international market and the competitive position of Japan in the early 1970s is still far compared. Another car, for example, although the 2002 China's auto industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 production and sales have achieved a 36% annual growth rate, but has just the total size of about 3.1 million, the same year the United States in a recession state of car sales are still up to 1100 Wan amount, while China's population is six times the United States. Currently the world's vehicle production is about 54 million, but the proportion of China's output of 5.74%. Facts show that China's current industrial base, compared with Japan, far less than in 1985 "Plaza Accord" when the level of the first appreciation of the yen, even when the level is far from realized. In fact, Japan is to benefit from the day's trade. According to the Japanese Finance Ministry statistics, China's trade surplus with Japan in 2002 up to 2.75 trillion yen. Japanese to revalue its currency is the intention of "ulterior motives", not just for the Chinese home appliance and other industries of the current situation and development of exports. Its real purpose is to attempt to stop an important basis for China to improve their international competitiveness of industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 efforts, such as steel and automobile industries. Appreciation of the renminbi, the Japanese high-end products in the steel industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章's competitiveness will be enhanced, the Chinese steel industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 will be severely hampered the process of upgrading. Second, analysis of the pros and cons of RMB exchange rate appreciation1 short-term analysis of the pros and consAppreciation of the renminbi in the short term to raise the status of the renminbi, the Chinese economy to further enhance its international status, more rich people in the hands of the international value of the property, and can reduce the cost of Chinese imports, but also to external pressure will be reduced accordingly. But in the short term, after the revaluation the pros and cons facing the uncertainties of both domestic and international challenges. On the domestic front, first of all, deflation is still there, gradually increasing inflationary pressures. People's Bank of China's statistics show that from January to May 2003, China's money supply growth continues to accelerate. The end of May, broad money M2 amounted to 19.95 trillion yuan, up 20.2% since August 1997, the highest value, an increase higher than 6.2 percentage points a year earlier. At present, the broad money M2 growth has been higher than in the first quarter GDP growth and consumer price index growth and 9.8 percentage points, at a higher level. On the other hand, according to statistics, the first quarter of 2003, business專業(yè)英語翻譯公司科技文件翻譯哪里最好 sentiment index hit a record high and the consumer confidence index showed a downward trend in January consumer confidence index was 97.7 points in February to 97.8 points, 97.6 points in March . In particular, the impact of SARS in the experienced after the consumer confidence is the need to be rebuild and restored. This indicates that, despite domestic inflationary pressures are gradually increasing, but deflation still exists, which to some extent, an increase of