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博爾塔拉翻譯公司關鍵字:distribution form a basis in reality. Another view is that the labor theory of value is not a distribution according to the theoretical basis, Labor and the principle of socialist distribution according to work is no inherent relationship to the labor theory of value as the distribution according to the theoretical basis of a misunderstanding, proposed distribution according to work is based on the theory and reality: the existence of public ownership of production; workers to become the masters of production and products; labor has not yet become life's prime want, but mainly a means of livelihood and so on. For the variety of perspectives on the distribution according to the authors that are not in the theory and practice can give a reasonable explanation. First of all, can not deny that Marx's vision of a socialist society the implementation of distribution according to work is undoubtedly his labor theory of value and consistent. Marx's "Critique of the Gotha Program," he clearly made the implementation of distribution according to work on the idea of ??a socialist society, he wrote "As for consumer information in the middle of the distribution of individual producers, then this passage is that the exchange of goods is also equivalent passage of the same principle that a form of a certain amount of labor can be another form of the same amount of labor relative to the exchange, "and apparently this is his labor theory of value of goods proposed to reflect the nature of the commodity producers exchange their labor relations is the same idea, but a certain amount of socialist society in different forms of labor need not take the form of commodity and value relative to the exchange, but directly as the same amount of labor relative to the exchange. Therefore, Marx's ideas on socialism distribution according to work, in a sense can be seen as a logical development of Labor. Second, the labor theory of value and not become a reality in the implementation of a socialist society based on the theory of distribution according to work. Marx, the socialist society to eliminate the private ownership of production, individual labor is direct social labor, which does not exist for the exchange of goods, there was no value, do not need money as a medium of exchange, it does not exist associated with the concept of value distribution. Therefore, we do not from Marx's critique of the capitalist mode of production for the labor theory of value proposition, direct draw socialist society should be implemented on personal income distribution according to the conclusions. In fact, the implementation of socialist society and socialist distribution according to work is closely linked to the specific practice, the practice is implemented by the socialist planned economy determined directly, rather than based on a theory, but also with Marx, Engels's vision gap. In the practice of socialist countries, to achieve public ownership of production, in addition to factors of production other than labor are invested by the state through the plan, the implementation of the planned economy and product economy. Individuals do not have any means of production, but because of work or means of livelihood, the labor is still an important factor of production, as well as the productive forces developed, and the resulting division of labor can not cancel the decision of a range of consumer information, especially to currency as a medium of exchange, which is not entirely the product of economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的, personal consumer can get to a certain extent, also depends on wage income as the main form of monetary income (virtually the only income) of the number. Therefore, in order to encourage socialist workers, improve economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 efficiency in the distribution of consumer goods on the individual and the worker can not provide the quality and quantity of work linked to the implementation of distribution according to work, rather than according to need. However, due to the labor of workers to provide the quality and quantity, or the worker's labor contributions are difficult to find an objective of the operational scale to measure and compare, we can only take a more