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松原翻譯公司關鍵字:The western region has its own comparative advantage, for example, is rich in natural resources and relatively cheap labor, there is a good basis for energy and raw material industries and related industries. However, these advantages are not static, if not timely use, will also become a disadvantage. Because, (1) advantage is dynamic. A country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好 (or region) Some advantages are natural, others are acquired through efforts to obtain, such as technological progress. In particular, the former an advantage, it will be with other countries (or regions) of the industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章's development and technological progress and gradually disappear, and even evolve into a disadvantage. China's economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 development around the world and that is the advantage of continuous generation, promoting sustainable economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 development. This tells us that the western region should pay attention to not only the available natural resources, labor, and other advantages of keeping, but also in time be transformed to create new advantages. (2) has a relative advantage. Compared with the eastern and western regions in energy and raw materials industries, such as coal, oil has advantages, but by the impact of transport distance and mode, on the eastern region, the import of energy and raw materials may be more economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的al. Therefore, any advantage is not absolute, in an open economy, the situation is even more so. (3) with a comprehensive benefits. economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 advantage is the combination of factors. Western resources, labor, and other advantages, will be transportation, information, technology, infrastructure and other aspects of disadvantage are weakened or low consumption, the result is likely to disadvantage than an integrated comprehensive advantage. Therefore, understanding the advantages of the western region, do not simply focus on the advantages of natural resources and labor, leaving the other advantages of co-existing advantages will be greatly reduced. Second, a detailed analysis of investment factorsMarx was clear that this phenomenon, he said: when the wrathful bound in a league  mortar Su Guo  knock caries  Chi chu  Temple Terrace Communicable   Court ⑸   and vermiculite   construed  cake Xin Mu  lick knock hammer  World word gown ?  This indicates that the export of capital is a means to resolve the capital surplus, its purpose is the pursuit of high profits. Foreign investment, as a way of export of capital, the pursuit of high profits is the ultimate goal, so in deciding whether to invest overseas, where to invest, mainly from the following three aspects should be measured. (A) the comparative advantageComparative advantage in international trade theory to explain the occurrence and direction of a country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好's external trade, the importance of theory, it is also applicable to foreign investment. First, from the foreign point of view, in deciding whether foreign investment, the investors are generally from the country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好 has a comparative disadvantage or potentially at a comparative disadvantage industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 (or torsion ρ sampan  Dao) in turn carried out. These industries, due to differences in levels of economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 development, has a dual nature: it is flexible in the developed countries ρ sampan  Dao, while in developing countries may be Hong Zhan  Dao loop. Therefore, developed countries need to find a way out for these industries to seek, to find some host countries, these countries will scratch ρ rudder industrialization into Hong Dao Dao has a loop show industrialization or potential comparative advantage, which is foreign to the one in deciding whether to invest first consider the conditions. Second, from the perspective of local government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司, mainly to see whether at the inflow of capital to promote local economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 development, can solve the employment problem, how much impact on inflation will not lead to some important industrial sectors by foreign control, that foreign investment can bring much more benefits and more benefits. By comparison, if the advantages outweigh the disadvantages, then encourage foreign capital inflows, if more harm than good, then the restrictions on foreign inflows. Third, from a business專業(yè)英語翻譯公司科技文件翻譯哪里最好 point of view, whether the introduction of foreign investment in advanced technology and advanced science and management experience, reduce production costs and improve labor productivity, product upgrades replace and expand market share, increase their profits. These are the deciding factor in whether foreign capital. These three factors combined to form more acceptable to the interests of three parties that can contribute to the common sedan willing to comparative advantage, and the final decision whether to invest (or foreign capital), investment (or foreign capital) direction and amount.