新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務(wù)院機關(guān)第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

隨州翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:As of the end of 1999, approved the establishment of the national total number of enterprises with contracted foreign investment, foreign investment in actual use, the proportion of the eastern region 82.13%, 88.13% and 87.84%; the central region the proportion of 12.86%, respectively, 8% and 8.94%; the proportion of the western region were 5.01%, 3.87% and 3.22%. Among them, the central and western regions in the national total contracted foreign investment and actual use of foreign investment in proportion than the end of 1997, respectively, the proportion of one and increase +0.36 +0.11 percentage points. The country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好 up to foreign investment in the five provinces are: Guangdong, Jiangsu, Fujian, Shanghai and Shandong, has approved the establishment of foreign-invested enterprises with contracted foreign investment, foreign investment accounted for the actual use of foreign investment in the country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好's total 55.85%, 63.35% and 64.25%; foreign investment in the country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好 at least five provinces are: Tibet, Qinghai, Ningxia, Xinjiang and Gansu, had approved the establishment of foreign-invested enterprises with contracted foreign investment actually utilized foreign capital, respectively, accounting for 0.89% of total foreign investment, 0.41 % and 0.38%. Obviously, if there is no effective national capital and incentives to drive, foreign and domestic private capital, the subject will still flow into coastal areas. 12 provinces, municipalities and autonomous regions, accounting for an area of ??71.3 percent, the country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好's total population of 1 / 4, GDP accounts for only 18%. At least 2010, the gap between western and coastal areas will still continue to widen, the preferential policies, at best, only slow the speed of the gap opened it. Blind imitation of coastal development is one of the theoretical basis of "coastal saturation theory."To international trade "comparative advantage" theory to analyze the relationship between east and west, it seems that the investment will soon be saturated east, to incentives, private capital will naturally be attracted to the Midwest to. This is a serious theoretical misleading. International trade and domestic trade is fundamentally different, is not cross-border free movement of labor, capital will flow to the developed countries to developing countries. Within a country有資質(zhì)的正規(guī)翻譯公司哪個好, even if account limit, the basic freedom of movement of labor, the Midwest virtually unlimited labor, will spontaneously flow into coastal areas, coastal areas of the capital is not spontaneously flow backward central and western regions. Even if the land saturated Shenzhen, foreign-invested enterprises will only to Dongguan, Dongguan City, can accommodate a majority of Taiwanese electronics companies. Dalian to develop the tertiary industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 in cities with high taxes to go out of industrial enterprises, but only pushed Liaoning Province, "Midwest" only. Perhaps the severe water shortage in northern, southwest of heavy industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 would move, it is not dominated by the laws of the market, but a sudden deterioration of the natural environment and resource depletion caused. Even in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, there is still space to accommodate the huge investment, such as subway construction has just begun. The total length of the existing rail Shanghai 65 kilometers, the proposed Metro 11, 384 km long, 10 light rail line, about 186 km, 15-20 km per year on average to build, need to invest 10 billion yuan, the overall need for 3000 billion. "15" period, China will reach 800 billion yuan investment in urban transport, at least 200 billion yuan will be used to build the subway. Beijing hosting the Olympic Games, hundreds of billions of investment in eight years, when saturated? My analysis, with the most "market-oriented economy", "reform" universal theory of the opposite. They believe that: the development behind the eastern Midwest, is due to market-oriented reform is not enough, that freedom is not enough; I admit that the system does not hinder the free flow of capital from east to west, mainly in the eastern investment environment is better integrated in the system and personnel, thinking than the Western Open. But from the modern investment science, factor mobility point of view, the opposite conclusion: precisely because the reform and opening up China to increase social freedom, in particular, free movement of labor, only widening the gap between east and west. If the doctrine of economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 freedom continues to line, such as the abolition of the city accounts, further into the eastern part of central and western areas of labor, the gap will continue to widen.