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恩施翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:The first change occurred in the mid-1980s, the second change occurred in the mid-1990s, marking China's export structure towards the optimal direction, but the dominant trend in world trade is still lagging behind compared, and the gap may be expanded. Because it is above the same period, that is, the period of accelerated globalization, the United States and a few other developed countries are rapidly adjusting the industrial structure, from a traditional capital-intensive and technology-based shift to knowledge-intensive and high-tech base, particularly the information industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 become a new economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 growth point in its growth and increasing the proportion of the economy, while the low-technology sector is clearly down. High-tech sector has become the leading industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 in the United States, the U.S. economy out of recession in 1991 to enter the longest post-war boom period. According to the U.S. Department of Commerce estimates that U.S. economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 growth in the information industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 for more than 25% contribution, the actual increase in gross domestic product, about 1 / 4 from the information industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章's growth will bring (Note: The Emerging Digital Economy , http. / / www.E-commerce.Gov.1997.). As the United States and a few other developed countries of the world economy plays a leading role in the development of trade, it high-tech products, especially information technology product's position in world trade has also greatly improved. WTO by the United Nations in 1988, the revised standard international trade classification, the trade is divided into three parts: - Primary products: The following is divided into two major categories of agricultural products and minerals, under each category is divided into several categories. - Finished goods: The following is divided into 7 categories, namely, steel, chemicals, and other manufactured goods, machinery and transport equipment, textiles, services, and other consumer goods, but under these seven categories is divided into a number of their respective categories. - Other goods: goods not included in the above categories, such as the arms and so on.The machinery and transport equipment is divided into six subcategories, including "office machinery and telecommunications equipment," a small group most adequate representation of information technology products, and its average annual growth rate of exports than in the early 1980s, the world's total annual exports of goods are not much higher growth rate, but 80 years later was promoted to play 18%, about 2 times higher, to as high as 26% in 1995, about three times higher than the nearly (Note: WTO, Annual Report 1996, Vol. Ⅱ p.90, Geneva, 1996.). The results of its share in world trade over the agricultural and mineral products (including oil), ranked second in 1995 among the top 11 according to their proportion of the goods can be arranged in order of size as follows (Note: the same ⑦, the first 15.): (1) Machinery and transport equipment, does not include the (2) and (6), about 17% strength; (2) office machinery and telecommunications equipment, accounting for 12.2%; (3) Agricultural , about 12%; (4) mineral products, accounting for 10.5%; (4) chemicals, accounting for 9.5%; (6) vehicles and components, accounting for 9% strong; (7) other consumer goods, accounting for about 9% weak; (8) Other semi-finished products, accounting for 8% of the strong; (9) clothing, accounting for 3% of the strong; (10) textiles, accounting for 3%; (11) steel, accounting for 3% of the weak. It is noteworthy that of information technology advances, the cost of their products and prices continued to fall, so the jump in the proportion of full scale of the rapid expansion of trade due to price increases rather than. The early 1980s, the proportion of agricultural products are about 12%, while the above (2) the proportion of less than 4%, after 20 years the proportion of the two actually go hand in hand, which not only shows the information industry正規(guī)翻譯公司公證處翻譯蓋章 on the world trade influence, but also reflects the agricultural trade has been relatively stagnant, so that the situation in many developing countries in the process of globalization can not be improved. At the same time, had cause for concern is the early 1980s, exports of textiles and apparel in the world in the proportion of about 10%, and today has been reduced to 6%, indicating that the trend of world trade bulk of China's traditional export commodities more a disadvantage. Although 1996 has been replaced by mechanical and electrical products and textiles and clothing exports to China accounted for in the first place, but to measure factor intensity, China's export of electromechanical products still mostly labor-intensive, raw materials, energy consumption and low value-added, high technological content and high value-added "double high" products are not many. China's current high-tech products in exports accounted for exactly how much weight? 1998 Science and Technology and Ministry of Foreign Trade jointly issued "China's high-tech products export directory", the various estimates out of a fairly large number of this list is as follows - Higher estimate of 21% in 1996, the lower estimate of 6.8% in 1997 (Note: Zhang editor: "Knowledge Economy and International economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 and Trade", China Foreign Trade and economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務(wù)最好的 Press, 1999, p. 87; Li Jingwen: "Meeting new era of knowledge economy", the Far East Press, 1999, p. 414.)