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哈爾濱翻譯公司關鍵字:China's banking sector non-performing loan ratio of commercial banks in developed countries ten to 15 times, and should be ready to commercial banks in developed countries more than ten times the bad debt reserve (general annual international commercial banks are profitable to extract from the equivalent assets of one to two percent of the bad debt reserve). However, the reality is that before 1995, China's banks in pursuit of book profits, the preparation of the bad debt reserve is almost zero [36]. In other words, a large number of lending banks to lend the state-owned enterprises do not intend to return, there has been bad and he is not ready to settle, then, is who bear the losses? "Bank credit risk and the residents is the loss of ultimate responsibility. The four major banks in insolvency cases, lose the support of residents' deposits will inevitably lead to hyperinflation, when the financial crisis." [37] In other words, the state sector through the National Bank "learn" the financial resources to support the city's consumption and savings, while the state sector of the "draw" effect but also resulted in the National Bank the verge of bankruptcy. Household savings deposits in bank deposits of urban residents accounted for 80 percent, so the state sector's bad loans caused most of the final turn, urban deposits made with their own personal compensation. So serious banks' bad assets, the lack of adequate provision for bad debts, depositors will bear a considerable risk of deposits. In this case, still capable of still maintain the functioning of the National Bank of the key, one with government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 credit, and on the financial monopoly. Depositors continue to operate non-performing bank deposits, bank managers not believe there Huitianzhili, but that, regardless of how banks operate with government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 guarantees for national banks, state bank deposits there will not be disappointed. The National Bank to maintain financial monopoly in the case, people have no choice. When people, especially urban people have enough confidence in the government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司, the banking system, it may sustain; and banks continue to help the state sector "draw" resources, would help strengthen the public's confidence in the city. However, the Bank of this "ostrich" policy專業(yè)翻譯公司收費價格 out of the economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 development of the bottleneck of China will not help, but the economy lead to dead end. Prospects for the future knowing the reason why banks have to continue to do so, because the state-owned banking system must be subject to "money and stability," the social control strategies. It should be recognized, which is almost all socialist countries experienced a period after the inevitable pressure to enter the stage. In this strategy, no longer between state and society "(national) mandatory and (social) subject to" the old relationship-based, but the formation of a new relationship, namely, "(National) patronizing and (social ) obedience. " Therefore, although the reform of state-owned sector in the decline in market share, the smaller contribution to economic專業(yè)翻譯公司服務最好的 growth, but the government政府許可的定點正規(guī)翻譯公司 still requires the State Bank of inefficient state sector, the implementation of "unconditional protection" policy專業(yè)翻譯公司收費價格, providing a large number of bank loans, which maintaining the majority of employees (ie, the main urban residents) and high-income high welfare.