新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務院機關第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

和田翻譯公司關鍵字:the underprivileged. Insufficient information to solve problems in rural areas the only effective way to increase investment in human capital. Including the expansion of adult education, skills training for farmers to produce, market翻譯市場行情價格多少錢 knowledge and training, establish smooth flow of information, establishment of agricultural science and technology education and training, organizational system, increase investment in agricultural research. Modern agriculture has become a comprehensive industrial, agricultural production and management should be subject to political environment, the market翻譯市場行情價格多少錢 economy environment, natural resources and environmental impact of various conditions such as agricultural producers, farmers, requires more extensive knowledge and quick access to information, ability to process information, such as the use of Internet skills and the corresponding capital investment, acquisition and optimization of these conditions requires active government policies and efforts.Fifth, the optimization of the rural-governmental organizations. Reduce the number of optimization functions. Indispensable to the development of agriculture and efficient administrative support to grassroots organizations in rural areas away from the farmers recently changed over from the planned economy period, but there is a bloated, overstaffed, which causes a huge financial burden on rural areas, administrative efficiency it is impossible to talk, often caused by administrative intervention blind waste of agricultural resources. With the trend of modernization of agriculture, requires the establishment of professional, efficient and modern knowledge-based industries in rural areas of administrative services organization. To reduce the existing large-scale on the basis of the number of primary-governmental organizations to optimize service functions, is the need for modernization of agriculture, but also realistic to reduce the burden on farmers, rural financial pressure to reduce the need for