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濟寧翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字: Ecologically fragile areas in the process of ecological degradation, have a policy of radical causes, but also the implementation of strict laws to protect a variety of problems. Because the correct orientation of policies and laws, will promote a harmonious relationship with the natural environment and agricultural resources available to continue. For example, "Water Law", "Environmental Law", the role of family planning policies, laws and policies are fully described in the guide the correct treatment of the human living environment of their own power play. Policy of "priorities" is conducive to correctly guide the rational development of mankind, protect ecological resources, in order to maintain sustainable use of natural resources, and the decree of "rewards and punishments to" protect the rich ecological consciousness conducive to the implementation of the policy. Therefore, the current policy is not only represented the people's social rights, but also on behalf of continued survival and development of agro-ecosystems翻譯價格標(biāo)準(zhǔn) and the ecological services in the interests of future generations. Once the policies and laws "misleading" or "tolerant" people for the pursuit of individual utility and the largest predatory profits arising from the development of ecological resources, destruction of the behavior of the stability of agricultural ecosystems翻譯價格標(biāo)準(zhǔn), the ecological environment as an inexhaustible supply of humans " worship "and the storage of waste" trash "and its consequences are unthinkable.(B) the choice of ecological model1, ecological construction and ecological principles to the full use of the combinationEcological construction is a very practical work, theoretical ecology and excellent mode of practice from in-depth research and careful review. If we ignore the existing theoretical guidance, will be less effective, or even lose a rare opportunity. Therefore, a fragile ecological environment ecology ecological construction must follow some rules:First, the vegetation succession laws. Plant communities from junior to senior to gradually adapt to the environment and the evolution of the vegetation climax community is called the law of succession. Used to examine the law of succession of vegetation in many areas of afforestation since the 1950s, it is not difficult to find the target and the process there is a certain degree of subjectivity which led to some mistakes. From the target, although repeatedly emphasized that "should Linze Lin, Yi grass is grass" and "matching tree" principle of reciprocity. However, the content of these principles in line with local conditions is the lack of exploration and science in place of the implementation. First, examine the situation from the field, in the practice of planting trees and grass, the gap between vision and reality led to low efficiency seriously, this is the future ecological construction plan must be carefully drawn: the climax community and the site must be the type of land use comparative analysis of planning, development of practical multi-objective ecological