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西寧翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:for life, save the planet is to save the future. In recent years, our government launched the China Environmental Protection Century and civil society organizations to protect mother and other activities, social and public environmental awareness is growing and welcome. In the past we often say, have a love for others, to have a sense of responsibility to society, it seems, but also on the nature of love and responsibility.3, relying on science and technology is the key to solving environmental problemsMovement brought about by the industrialization of environmental problems, Getting to the root, this account shall be credited to the head of science and technology. As double-edged sword of science and technology, its rapid development has brought to mankind to enjoy the endless material and spiritual civilization, but also led to many social and environmental issues is one of them.Environmental issues, the final analysis, a scientific and technical issues is how to prevent a human created things their own ruin of human problems. Environmental issues, globalization trend, while not fully explain human use of the existing science and technology to handle the development of industrialization and the relationship between protecting the environment; the other hand, shows the reality of science and technology, there are many flaws and shortcomings. To overcome this environmental challenge, we must take these two issues are resolved. First to rely on real science and technology, is necessary to consider the ecological environment protection, resources have to consider the comprehensive development and rational use, in the production process to achieve consistency of production and environmental protection. Second, we must rely on scientific and technological development of environmental industries. This will not only protect the environment, but also through the development of environmental protection industry to form new economic growth point. Moreover, they should vigorously develop science and technology, with new achievements in science and technology to solve environmental problems facing the development.4, the implementation of sustainable development strategy is the fundamental way to solve environmental problems Solve the resource, environment and human survival and development of the conflict, is the preferred strategy for the sustainable development strategy. United Nations Conference on Environment and sustainable development of the general principle is: "Today's human beings should not be at the expense of the happiness of future generations to meet their needs."