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興安盟翻譯公司關鍵字:system, and constantly develop new resources, constantly looking for new features, both to improve the ecological environment, but also to the rise of the new tourist economy.F) green food industry.This is a clear need is by no means confined to a small amount of green food supermarket翻譯市場行情價格多少錢s now show on the special high-priced quality food with green signs, should be considered rich meals the vast number of people living necessities of life clean "grain - beans - Oil "," melon - fruit - vegetables, "" meat - milk - eggs. " We should have is the lack of clean, food contaminants, and the price consumers should be able to afford individually. Of course, in order to meet the needs of high-grade income delicate green food is necessary. The popularity of green raw materials come from agriculture, green food industry in Southern Ningxia is the main development components.Southern Ningxia the same as our entire western mountains, valleys horizon, the residual plateau gully, valley terraces wrong during delivery, is Liupanshan system for headwater watershed land-landscape. Largest tributary of the Yellow River in Ningxia - Heyuan翻譯1000字多少元 water peak from six regions throughout the north and south. Active soil erosion fragmented terrain, year after year, soil erosion, soil nutrient and toxic mineral elements, together with the runoff to the river without a break, lake, coastal plains, basins together, combined with the traditional to self-sufficiency of production, limited production capacity expansion and then, very little use of agricultural chemicals, mining and urban and away from densely populated areas, the lack of modern industrial pollution. so that翻譯公司報價 the Southern Ningxia and conditions similar to the arid regions, a troubled industrial pollution in modern society, a party other than the Pure Land, with many negative factors in the favorable factors, showing a poor mountainous unique local resources.Research shows that Ningxia mountain water, and soil pollution index was significantly lower than the Ningxia Yellow River Irrigation District. Among them, the water content of suspended solids from the water to the river Heyuan翻譯1000字多少元, by the middle of the river water into the Yellow River and the intersection of water, from 61.63mg / 1 ~ 703.43mg / 1. Regularity was increased. Yellow River water, toxic substances ammonia, nitrate, chloride, arsenic, lead and phosphorus higher than the volume of water the river. Accordance with the "soil - plant - animal" law of the material system, full use of Ningxia Heyuan翻譯1000字多少元, watershed and other