新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務院機關第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

平頂山翻譯公司關鍵字:Major development in 1992 led directly to the extreme nature of access control. March 1993, the Authority will stop approving new taxi business on the grounds that excessive growth of the total taxi market翻譯市場行情價格多少錢 oversupply, causing disorderly competition.(B) internal control contractOctober 31, 1996 before the government does not interfere with internal management, the vast majority of companies implement the contract system, contract custom. In 1996, for the taxi service quality deterioration, high-priced "advance payment" flooding, mergers and the market翻譯市場行情價格多少錢 chaos of the situation, the Government introduced a document 129, states: Since October 31, 1996, the company due to update the vehicles, new vehicle or hiring a new driver, and the driver signed a contract should be in accordance with the Authority and the Taxi Association to develop the "operational task contract book" implementation. "Operating the task book contract" (hereinafter referred to as the "standard contract") their prices翻譯價格費用 for a variety of taxi provides clear fixed monthly contract payments, companies can range up and down 15% floating.C) the cost of rent controlCompetent authorities according to high, medium and low grades had their prices翻譯價格費用 for all types of taxi regulations, and their prices翻譯價格費用 according to the required standard contract fixed in the driver's contract payments, estimate various taxi "standard revenue" (according to the company " Standard Turnover "to pay sales tax).(D) update the vehicle controlLife of a taxi operating costs directly related to the company, but also determine口譯定價標準s the operation of the driver to enjoy the concession period. Taxi service life of the national standard is 8 years, Beijing in January 1999 stipulates that before 1998 the purchase of light taxi use for 5 years, less than 1 liter displacement rental cars (such as Xiali 7100A) using the six years, and must be scrapped. Government also provides for