新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務院機關第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

承德翻譯公司關鍵字:retail business. The face of retailing their own problems and the entry of foreign threat, a significant decline in business class business performance, corporate executives and other managers seek to reorganize the way out of this predicament; the other hand, despite the sluggish main business, but business class business cash flow good, strong cash inventory, fixed assets are real estate-based, switch to smaller barriers. Therefore, the business class enterprises have a good texture of the root cause of the restructuring.Compared with large foreign retailers, the scale at a disadvantage, so we should expand the scale of China's retail good, the formation of some large-scale, strength, image and great potential of the retail conglomerate, making large-scale and foreign retail competition in the backbone. Retail mergers and acquisitions is a very important reason.According to our national conditions, can not rule out the fact that government-led mergers and acquisitions. Some retail companies face many losses. With the continued political and economic system transition, the state has liberalized the regulation of state-owned enterprises, the implementation of the "independent, self-defined power and responsibility, management science." However, the transition need a step by step, and take a long time to adapt. According to the survey, companies in this environment there have been massive losses, and loss of denominations were growing trend. Loss of a substantial increase in state-owned enterprises, will inevitably result in government subsidies to loss-making enterprises of large increase, increasing financial subsidies to loss-making enterprises that the government bear the negative weight, eliminating loss-making enterprises to reduce financial subsidies to loss-making enterprises the main objectives of the government . Government-led mergers, the main purpose is to facilitate corporate mergers loss of business profits. Plenty of retail mergers on the merged company in a favorable position, such as in the tourist area or neighborhood, or better able to attract customers location. Many examples of mergers in the retail weight, it is for this reason by the many considerations. Together with our previous analysis, for several reasons, the retail industry mergers and acquisitions is imperative.