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池州翻譯公司關鍵字:and the biggest difference between doctors and patients in, one-off game between the risk of suffering a high probability, there is almost no possibility of repeated games to find the balance.)Were forced to seek medical treatment, and then forced to bribe, bribe, but the results but are difficult to predict, the physical suffering the ravages of the disease, while also suffering from bad doctors psychological blow. The results so absurd, but can not be arbitrarily denied. Not only patients, the majority of information which is the common experience of those disadvantages. The reasons behind the reasonsThe phenomenon of the red envelope surface analysis of the causes and processes, but still can not be restrained red envelopes provide theoretical support and useful phenomenon to help, we need to further tap the leading underlying causes of the phenomenon of red envelopes. The following will use the principal agents model for further analysis. Physician-patient relationship is a generalized principal-agent relationship, the patient is a client, the doctor is an agent. Commissioned by doctors to provide patients with appropriate, high quality medical services. But in reality, the doctors and patients the information asymmetry problems between the impact of physician-patient relationship, making the doctor-patient relationship is not simple. Asymmetric information can be divided into two categories according to content. One is the asymmetry of both knowledge refers to the other party does not know such as capacity, health status and other information, which is exogenous, the first set, not caused by acts of the parties. For this type of information asymmetry, information economics, known as adverse selection or hidden knowledge. For example, patients in the medical doctors do not know when the actual capacity, standards and professional ethics is the hidden knowledge. The second category refers to asymmetric information, when both parties have signed the contract information is symmetric, but after signing the contract, one party against another's behavior can not be managed, constraints, it is endogenous, depends on the behavior of the other party. For this type of information asymmetry, information economics, called the hidden action or moral hazard. For example, after the formal establishment of physician-patient relationship, doctors do not provide appropriate treatment is the moral hazard problem; patients to bribe a doctor, the doctor does not achieve the patient's expectations is the moral hazard problem When the agents there information superiority, in the absence of effective constraints, the nature of rational economic man