新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務(wù)院機關(guān)第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

昌吉翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:A real wealth effect. Hold shares in the stock price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格 rises to consumers, you can cash in by selling shares by way of increase in real income, which directly promote consumption increase. Wealth effect in the actual analysis, stock liquidity is considered a form of good fortune.2 did not achieve the wealth effect, that stock price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格s would make consumers mainly used to support future pension investment account the value of assets increase, although not necessarily these gains can be achieved in the current period, but consumers will therefore expected to become optimistic for the future, thereby increasing consumer spending. Widely used in the pension insurance 外文標(biāo)書翻譯system, and through specific investment account pensions into the stock market these countries and regions (such as the United States, china最大的翻譯標(biāo)書公司或機構(gòu)是哪家?, Hong Kong, Singapore, etc.), this did not achieve the wealth effect is relatively apparent.3 effects of liquidity constraints, which are held by consumers rise in the stock market, increasing the overall level of assets, but also increases their overall credit level, so that consumers can use these price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格s have been rising through the bank's stock to loans, etc. to support the increase in consumer spending.4 value of stock options effect, that the rise in stock price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格s makes stock options held by the holder of the option value increased significantly increase consumption. U.S. Internet stocks during the popular, options have been widely used, so the sharp rise in stock price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格s makes the value of stock options with an increase, which is why the U.S. stock rise in consumer spending for its role in promoting economic growth and relatively large One important reason.Two consumer real estate price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格 fluctuations, the main channelThe same well-developed market economy countries as the background, real estate price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格 fluctuations affect consumer spending channels include the following aspects:1 to achieve the wealth effect, which means the property owners because of rising real estate price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格s led to total wealth increases, consumers can sell or refinance the property, thereby increasing the current level of consumption. At this point the real estate assets as an important form of expression, its price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格 increases directly contributed to the increase in real wealth.2 did not achieve the wealth effect, that consumers in the real estate appreciation, if not sell real estate or to refinance, the same is expected to improve because of increased consumer spending. In other words, even if consumers are still living in the same house, but lived in the house because of rising house price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格s make consumers feel hold the housing wealth increases. Recall that in the real estate bubble in Hong Kong, china最大的翻譯標(biāo)書公司或機構(gòu)是哪家? is More標(biāo)書文件涉及到的領(lǐng)域非常的廣泛,即使是針對一個項目的標(biāo)書文件,會包含法律、經(jīng)濟、工程技術(shù)、商業(yè)等多個相關(guān)的專業(yè)領(lǐng)域,在投標(biāo)過程中,無論是招標(biāo)方還是投標(biāo)方所需的翻譯服務(wù)種類都須進行相應(yīng)的調(diào)整和重新組合,投標(biāo)的標(biāo)書中帶有相關(guān)的法律要約性質(zhì),標(biāo)書為了詳細全面的介紹自己并贏得招標(biāo)方的信任,需要使用極富影響力的商業(yè)用語,所以標(biāo)書翻譯是法律翻譯和商業(yè)翻譯的結(jié)合,因此,作為競標(biāo)的基礎(chǔ)工作而貫穿于整個投標(biāo)過程中的標(biāo)書翻譯服務(wù)應(yīng)由專業(yè)的新華標(biāo)書翻譯公司提供。 obvious during the annual real estate price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格s to the buyers to bring the wealth of psychological value, often making consumers the annual value of equity investments, and even dwarfs the annual wage income.3 effects of budget constraints. Rising real estate price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格s impact on consumers can be said to be "grad", for the owners of real estate consumers, real estate price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格s rise, of course can contribute to the increase of wealth; However, no housing, consumers who rely mainly on rent, rapidly rising real estate price招投標(biāo)書翻譯價格s will push rents upward, thereby making these tenants to reduce consumption. In particular, the effect of the size of the consumer budget constraint, depending on the ratio of consumers to purchase a home