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晉城翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:In short, the spring behavior of price招投標書翻譯價格s: (1) Although a certain extent, to adjust the spring in passenger traffic, but can not effectively clipping Pinggu "; (2) the" Iron boss "short-term and More標書文件涉及到的領(lǐng)域非常的廣泛,即使是針對一個項目的標書文件,會包含法律、經(jīng)濟、工程技術(shù)、商業(yè)等多個相關(guān)的專業(yè)領(lǐng)域,在投標過程中,無論是招標方還是投標方所需的翻譯服務(wù)種類都須進行相應(yīng)的調(diào)整和重新組合,投標的標書中帶有相關(guān)的法律要約性質(zhì),標書為了詳細全面的介紹自己并贏得招標方的信任,需要使用極富影響力的商業(yè)用語,所以標書翻譯是法律翻譯和商業(yè)翻譯的結(jié)合,因此,作為競標的基礎(chǔ)工作而貫穿于整個投標過程中的標書翻譯服務(wù)應(yīng)由專業(yè)的新華標書翻譯公司提供。 excess profits, the expense of Most visitors the interests of the universal welfare reducing; (3) "price招投標書翻譯價格s" can not make the "Iron boss" to get rid of its three flaws, and make them More標書文件涉及到的領(lǐng)域非常的廣泛,即使是針對一個項目的標書文件,會包含法律、經(jīng)濟、工程技術(shù)、商業(yè)等多個相關(guān)的專業(yè)領(lǐng)域,在投標過程中,無論是招標方還是投標方所需的翻譯服務(wù)種類都須進行相應(yīng)的調(diào)整和重新組合,投標的標書中帶有相關(guān)的法律要約性質(zhì),標書為了詳細全面的介紹自己并贏得招標方的信任,需要使用極富影響力的商業(yè)用語,所以標書翻譯是法律翻譯和商業(yè)翻譯的結(jié)合,因此,作為競標的基礎(chǔ)工作而貫穿于整個投標過程中的標書翻譯服務(wù)應(yīng)由專業(yè)的新華標書翻譯公司提供。 satisfied with the status of low efficiency, reduced the momentum of reform and innovation, so china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構(gòu)是哪家?'s rapid economic growth will be hampered.Fourth, the policy recommendationsFor the public welfare, the natural monopoly of state-owned enterprises, such as railways, electricity and other infrastructure 翻譯技術(shù)標書那家公司最好?must take account of its social objectives, rather than simply profit goals. "price招投標書翻譯價格s" can not fundamentally solve the problem, and may exacerbate social instability.In this regard, the management項目標書翻譯 of public utilities in Hong Kong can learn from. Hong Kong utility 外文標書翻譯system has three basic forms: 1) direct government control and operation of public utilities. 2) under the government control of private franchise companies, it needs to go through the government's bid to get the franchise. Government control of the franchise utilities, including two aspects: First, companies 翻譯技術(shù)標書那家公司最好?must meet the requirements of service standards; Second, management項目標書翻譯 approved business service price招投標書翻譯價格. 3) is not government regulation, public utilities operated by the merchant, mainly gas supply and container terminal. The three utilities in Hong Kong 外文標書翻譯system, the dominant 外文標書翻譯system is under government control of private franchise.Comprehensive analysis of the preceding and the current economic situation in china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構(gòu)是哪家?, made the following recommendations in this reference for relevant government departments:(1) the implementation of franchise bidding 外文標書翻譯system, the establishment of internal competition mechanism.Logically, the implementation of price招投標書翻譯價格 controls on monopolies, subsidies and other means to enable them to marginal cost pricing (marginal cost pricing), can improve the efficiency of resource allocation. However, in china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構(gòu)是哪家?, due to asymmetric information is widespread, and the railway authorities and a serious lack of incentives to improve efficiency, so this method may not always achieve Pareto improvement.Implementation of franchise bidding 外文標書翻譯system (Franchise bidding) (Demsetz, 1968), adopted by the Government in the form of auction, so many companies competing for one or several areas of a period (several years) the right to operate, offers the lowest price招投標書翻譯價格 of the house enterprises to obtain business licenses. Obviously, this method can be avoided by the price招投標書翻譯價格 control leads to many problems, but also in order to establish an incentive mechanism, effective and economic constraints of the railway monopoly, and thus, the ticket price招投標書翻譯價格 can be reduced to the level of the average cost efficient, and ultimately Pareto improvement.This proposal has its feasibility. First, the bidding companies with only the right to operate, there is no transfer of assets. Second, the concession contract amount is relatively simple, including a railway equipment maintenance, 2, corporate service price招投標書翻譯價格s, 3, companies 翻譯技術(shù)標書那家公司最好?must meet the standard of service. In this way, government oversight, management項目標書翻譯 is More標書文件涉及到的領(lǐng)域非常的廣泛,即使是針對一個項目的標書文件,會包含法律、經(jīng)濟、工程技術(shù)、商業(yè)等多個相關(guān)的專業(yè)領(lǐng)域,在投標過程中,無論是招標方還是投標方所需的翻譯服務(wù)種類都須進行相應(yīng)的調(diào)整和重新組合,投標的標書中帶有相關(guān)的法律要約性質(zhì),標書為了詳細全面的介紹自己并贏得招標方的信任,需要使用極富影響力的商業(yè)用語,所以標書翻譯是法律翻譯和商業(yè)翻譯的結(jié)合,因此,作為競標的基礎(chǔ)工作而貫穿于整個投標過程中的標書翻譯服務(wù)應(yīng)由專業(yè)的新華標書翻譯公司提供。 convenient, and can ensure the preservation and appreciation of fixed assets.