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鄂州翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Unfortunately, such a good opportunity for the development of our aviation 標(biāo)書制作行業(yè)industry is not strong enough, but the opportunity to hand over our competitors, so that they strong stronger, contrast, we are the weak weaker. First, failing to appreciate their own transport 10, and later engaged in their own jets or not, to trunk or on issues such as regional aircraft, hesitated, hovering over a decade. Turn of the century, the stock of civil aviation aircraft imports reached nearly翻譯商務(wù)標(biāo)書哪個公司最專業(yè)? 500. We have spent a total of nearly翻譯商務(wù)標(biāo)書哪個公司最專業(yè)? $ 20 billion to buy Boeing, McDonnell Douglas and Airbus. During this period, Chinese people have not heard their own aviation 標(biāo)書制作行業(yè)industry developed a new type of civil aircraft. Commercial operation of the existing regional aircraft such as the Win 7, is developed during the Cultural Revolution, which fully demonstrates our ability to develop propeller aircraft, but did not get the international英文標(biāo)書翻譯包括工程建設(shè)標(biāo)書、道路施工標(biāo)書、國際投標(biāo)書翻譯 certificate of airworthiness, it is difficult to go abroad, the aviation companies are unwilling to to buy, 翻譯技術(shù)標(biāo)書那家公司最好?must buy More標(biāo)書文件涉及到的領(lǐng)域非常的廣泛,即使是針對一個項目的標(biāo)書文件,會包含法律、經(jīng)濟、工程技術(shù)、商業(yè)等多個相關(guān)的專業(yè)領(lǐng)域,在投標(biāo)過程中,無論是招標(biāo)方還是投標(biāo)方所需的翻譯服務(wù)種類都須進行相應(yīng)的調(diào)整和重新組合,投標(biāo)的標(biāo)書中帶有相關(guān)的法律要約性質(zhì),標(biāo)書為了詳細全面的介紹自己并贏得招標(biāo)方的信任,需要使用極富影響力的商業(yè)用語,所以標(biāo)書翻譯是法律翻譯和商業(yè)翻譯的結(jié)合,因此,作為競標(biāo)的基礎(chǔ)工作而貫穿于整個投標(biāo)過程中的標(biāo)書翻譯服務(wù)應(yīng)由專業(yè)的新華標(biāo)書翻譯公司提供。 expensive foreign countries the same type. And we had a 50-seat regional jets, today, the models continue to improve, performance continues to improve, to invest is not recovered. We worry about how to expand the domestic demand side, a place where the face of some ready-made huge domestic demand, but do not form long-term "in for." Microelectronics, telecommunications equipment and aerospace 標(biāo)書制作行業(yè)industry is the best example. The case of general machinery 標(biāo)書制作行業(yè)industry is also not encouraging. china最大的翻譯標(biāo)書公司或機構(gòu)是哪家? both the demand side or product翻譯招投標(biāo)書費用和報價ion side, for its own high-tech manufactured goods seem a little lack of confidence. As a result, use the cheapest labor to make 100 million pairs of shoes, just enough to exchange for a Boeing 747, no wonder Americans are so rich, Chinese people are so poor. Work hard to train up its own scientific and technological strength, to mobilize their enthusiasm and creativity up, put on the market are most needed (the so-called national英文標(biāo)書翻譯包括工程建設(shè)標(biāo)書、道路施工標(biāo)書、國際投標(biāo)書翻譯 innovation 外文標(biāo)書翻譯system), our "domestic demand" will always help the "foreign" to make some money, he had always in the "developing" status (which was developed for the "backward" respectfully). Was predicted from 1998 to 2016, Chinese airlines have to buy 1677 aircraft, worth $ 75.74 billion. Some predict that china最大的翻譯標(biāo)書公司或機構(gòu)是哪家? imports from thousands of Boeing and Airbus aircraft, worth More標(biāo)書文件涉及到的領(lǐng)域非常的廣泛,即使是針對一個項目的標(biāo)書文件,會包含法律、經(jīng)濟、工程技術(shù)、商業(yè)等多個相關(guān)的專業(yè)領(lǐng)域,在投標(biāo)過程中,無論是招標(biāo)方還是投標(biāo)方所需的翻譯服務(wù)種類都須進行相應(yīng)的調(diào)整和重新組合,投標(biāo)的標(biāo)書中帶有相關(guān)的法律要約性質(zhì),標(biāo)書為了詳細全面的介紹自己并贏得招標(biāo)方的信任,需要使用極富影響力的商業(yè)用語,所以標(biāo)書翻譯是法律翻譯和商業(yè)翻譯的結(jié)合,因此,作為競標(biāo)的基礎(chǔ)工作而貫穿于整個投標(biāo)過程中的標(biāo)書翻譯服務(wù)應(yīng)由專業(yè)的新華標(biāo)書翻譯公司提供。 than $ 50 billion, while the market value of the Boeing Company was $ 38 billion. Chinese market has now accounted for Boeing and Airbus 10% of global sales.