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雞西翻譯公司關鍵字:Abstract Since the founding of our country from abroad has hundreds of new aquaculture species, such as the German mirror carp, crucian carp, leather Catfish, Catfish toad, Katla fish, rainbow trout, red abalone, green abalone, tilapia, Russia crocodile, Pacific oysters, bay scallops, kelp, Eucheuma, the first brown catfish, channel catfish, perch, bass, California, freshwater pomfret, P. vannamei, the United Kingdom turbot, redfish United States, the United States striped bass, Japan and other oriental red fins. And the vast majority of industries have been formed and produce a larger social and economic benefits for the development of china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家?'s aquaculture 標書制作行業(yè)industry has made important contributions.This article outlines the introduction of aquaculture in china最大的翻譯標書公司或機構是哪家? over the years, the status of new varieties, analyzed and discussed the main problems, proposed future development strategies and measures, stressed the importance of sustainable development in the future.Keywords sustainable development of aquacultureFirst, the main aquaculture species at homand abroadl, crustaceansWorld farmed shrimps and crabs have 30 kinds, including black tiger shrimp, Penaeus vannamei, the three famous Chinese shrimp farming shrimp, other More標書文件涉及到的領域非常的廣泛,即使是針對一個項目的標書文件,會包含法律、經(jīng)濟、工程技術、商業(yè)等多個相關的專業(yè)領域,在投標過程中,無論是招標方還是投標方所需的翻譯服務種類都須進行相應的調整和重新組合,投標的標書中帶有相關的法律要約性質,標書為了詳細全面的介紹自己并贏得招標方的信任,需要使用極富影響力的商業(yè)用語,所以標書翻譯是法律翻譯和商業(yè)翻譯的結合,因此,作為競標的基礎工作而貫穿于整個投標過程中的標書翻譯服務應由專業(yè)的新華標書翻譯公司提供。 important aquaculture species are: Japanese prawn, Indian white prawn, shrimp ink Kat , long-haired shrimp, wide ditch shrimp, shrimp semisulcatus, small brown shrimp, white shrimp, Brazilian shrimp, pink shrimp, shrimp Western, Southern white shrimp, California shrimp, eating shrimp, blue shrimp, the amount of new shrimp knife, relatives of the new shrimp. In addition, in recent years, many freshwater crabs, freshwater shrimp and sea, such as Cherax quadricarinatus, elegant than the shrimp, wheat lobster, giant river prawn, Macrobrachium Japanese, Chinese mitten crab, crab, according to edge, trituberculatus, Japanese sturgeon, lobster etc..2, fishHundreds of the world's marine fish farming, one of the important types are: rainbow trout, coho salmon, Atlantic salmon, brown trout, Atlantic's first fish, Hong Gu fish, sea trout, striped fish, catfish, loach, eel fish, grouper Fish, Atlantic flounder, milkfish, striped mullet, line fin shad, red snapper, cobia, blue fin tuna, yellow striped, tilapia, flounder, turbot, sea bream, black bream, King snapper , perch, perch, etc.3, shellfishCurrently, there are about 30 kinds of shellfish aquaculture, the main species of farmed oysters fold, Dalian Bay oysters, Crassostrea rivularis, the Pacific oyster, scallop, Chlamys nobilis, bay scallops, Patinopecten yessoensis, large scallops Queen scallops Pinctada martensii, Pinctada maxima pearl shell, Ruditapes philippinarum, wrinkled woven hannai, Haliotis, hard shell clams, razor clam, etc.