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張家口翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:point on the earth may be certain products manufacturing center. But not only a center, and comprehensive department store-style manufacturing centers in long-term fixed in a country and a region is unlikely. Multinational companies around the globe to find low-cost investment英文論文翻譯費用多少錢 area, they are no longer considered only where the production of a product, but also to consider a part where the lowest production costs. A Boeing 747 has 4.5 million parts, from nearly 10 countries, more than 1,000 large enterprises, more than 15,000 small businesses. UK assembled cars, generators from Sweden, control equipment from Germany, chassis, springs from the United States, the body from Italy. Manufacturing multinationals have gradually strengthened the globalization of research and development cooperation. Silicon Valley in the United States, 30% of R & D work翻譯畢業(yè)論文公司哪里有最權(quán)威 is carried out in Japan and Europe, 90% of the assembly work翻譯畢業(yè)論文公司哪里有最權(quán)威 is carried out in developing countries.Known as the Third World factories in Japan, but is one of the world's manufacturing sub-centers. After World War II, Japan's economic growth so far behind other countries, as a developing country to learn from. But in any case Japan fame, the proportion of its share of global manufacturing has never reached the status of the UK's comparative advantage, but did not reach the U.S. manufacturing sector was the position of absolute control, and the absolute size of the Japanese manufacturing sector share of total global manufacturing never more than even the United States. In other words, Japan's global manufacturing center as a new position as one of the main performance of key industries, key technology to achieve competitive advantage ahead of the United States rather than the whole place.Germany, the rise of Japan, the world center of modern manufacturing and more an era. The world can not only a manufacturing center, the U.S. the world's manufacturing center would not exist. The United States on its national interests is not necessary to maintain a single center. Hegemony in the contemporary world is not determined by the manufacturing center, but by the world's consumption centers to decide. Now the U.S. consumer has decided to well-being of ups and downs of the global economy, the world no matter what the U.S. views this country, are looking forward to the continued development of the U.S. economy, how can such a dominant position for the others when the world rely on plants and manufacturing center you can get