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蚌埠翻譯公司關鍵字:Environmental pollution is affecting one of the most serious problems of environmental protection. The amount of carbon dioxide emissions in our country has been ranked second in the world, methane, nitrous oxide and other greenhouse gas emissions in the world. 1990-2001, China's net increase of 823 million tons of carbon dioxide emissions, accounting for the world to increase the amount of 27% over the same period; 2020, emissions in 2000 increased 1.32-fold on the basis of this increment in the world than 1990 to 2001, total emissions is even larger increments. Projections suggest that, after 2025, China's carbon dioxide emissions is likely to surpass the United States, ranking first in the world; per capita terms, China's per capita carbon dioxide emissions below the world average by 2025 may reach the world average , although still lower than developed countries, per capita carbon dioxide emissions level, but has lost the low level of per capita carbon dioxide emissions advantages. From the emission intensity, due to technology and equipment is relatively old, backward, energy consumption intensity, China's per unit GDP of greenhouse gas emissions is relatively high. Although based on "common but differentiated responsibilities" principle, "Kyoto Protocol" only "Annex I countries" provides specific emission reduction obligations (China is not the column). However, the number of greenhouse gas emissions in developing countries the rapid growth of the developed countries demand that developing countries participate in greenhouse gas emissions or emission limitation commitment to increasing pressure. If our long-term commitment to greenhouse gas control is not the obligation, will be subjected to increasing pressure (Tao Yong, 2005). To this end, China must invest more funds to carry out environmental protection. Statistics show that total investment英文論文翻譯費用多少錢 in environmental pollution control nationwide GDP increased from 1% in 1999 to 1.39% in 2003. This reflects the increasing pressure of environmental damage, it also reflects the environmental subject to greater attention (2) the economics of real environmental damage is the height of the external costs of environmental resources