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阿克蘇翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:their social and economic value for all people, the whole society to participate in, sports industry realize the high input, high output, high-level goal, a high level of competitive sports to the world on par with the world narrowed the gap between sports power.3 China's sports industry to broaden financing channels for market analysis3.1 sports industry equity financingIn other countries, the stock market equity financing is an important way of financing the sports industry. In the stock market, sports industry companies can issue stock to raise capital sport. To rapid development of China's sports industry, we should learn from developed countries to promote the use of the market development of sports industry experience and methods, with the stock market to solve the development process of China's sports industry, the problem of insufficient funds. Currently a number of listed companies in Shenzhen and Shanghai, only in the technology industry, a sports company. Although the limitations of the listed qualifications, board stock market take off can become the engine of China's sports industry is still not optimistic, but one thing is clear, that are listed, through market monitoring mechanism to regulate corporate behavior, the modern business operations system has been established, so that the sports industry to achieve the real purpose of industrialization.3.2 bond financing sports industryCorporate bonds, also known as corporate bonds, the company issued in accordance with legal procedures, agreed within a certain period debt securities. Bonds are the sports industry sports industry companies in the stock market open on the issue of foreign borrowing credentials. Corporate bond financing will help improve visibility in the community, strengthen social supervision of enterprises, encourage enterprises to improve management; Sports bond financing, low cost, long term use of funds, more stable sources of funding. In other countries the development of sports industry in other countries, the use of bond financing sports is a common means of financing, for example, FIFA has publicly issued bonds to raise funds for the World Cup to ensure that each pre-overhead; U.S. sports bond issue for the NBA team to raise funds to build stadiums. At present, China's corporate bond issue size is small, and only such as railways,