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陽泉翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:According to the Marxist theory of political economy, labor in the production process is dominant and decisive factor of production. Labor force data in the reproduction of the material also continue to achieve the reproduction of their own labor, not only to increase the amount of labor, but also in improving the quality of labor. Production labor is the only initiative of various elements of a factor of production, factors of production as the responsibility of the organizers to promote the continuous progress of science and technology, continue to achieve scientific management and modern. Thus, labor is essential to a defense industry production factors, the growth of the defense industry plays a decisive role.In modern production, a large number of complex and diverse, and scattered in different regions of the various factors of production has been able to organic polymer in a unified system, the power of money played an important role. Capital determines the size of the scale of economic activity, the pace of development of its own economic development but also determines the speed and the speed of technological progress. In China's defense industry, the problem is more prominent, the capital of China's defense industry development (defense) spending almost all of the state. As the "limited resources" theory in determining the period of time, the state funds can be put into the defense industry is limited. China for a long period of time, capital investment can not be significantly improved defense, defense modernization will have to face funding shortages. Funds in the defense industry's role and how to effectively use is particularly important.Technology is human nature to the same matter between the conversion and energy transfer, based on practical experience and scientific principles to create a variety of means, methods, techniques and recipes. Technology as a basic factor of production, with labor, labor and labor and other elements of the object closely, profoundly changing the face of industrial reproduction, which greatly enhanced the public's level of productivity. Technological revolution of the industrial structure and technological progress, industrial systems and the transformation and optimization of industrial structure has a very important role. The development process from the defense industry, as the development of national economy, scientific and technological progress, every country seize the opportunity to adjust the structure of defense resources, accelerate the national defense industry, the upgrading of products, which weapons and equipment updates, enhance the national defense industry enhance military efficiency and ability to compete are extremely necessary. In addition, modern warfare has entered the era of