新華翻譯社總機:4008281111   客服部地址:南大街6號國務院機關第二招待賓館(國二招)3號樓B5319室

商洛翻譯公司關鍵字:The real estate bubble burst is often accompanied by depression, fell, corporate finance operations gradually in trouble. Fell to a large number of companies issued convertible debt in the long term can not be converted to equity, giving enterprises a huge debt burden; In addition, the land and share prices also fell under great companies assess the damage and was forced to sell assets loss of land and stock sales. Reduction of corporate income under-investment have made it not only reduces the level of investment in research and development, but also reduces the company's investment in equipment. Employment downturn has led to the production of environmental degradation and the decline in real income residents. Business failure means that a large number of unemployed workers, even without the closure of enterprises, since the decline in earnings should continue to cut staff. In addition, the decline in land prices also make the individual residents of the land retained by the depreciation of assets. As the economic downturn and the decline in personal income levels, residents worried about the future had a different degree, thus reducing current consumption, the expansion of savings income in part, in case of emergency. Personal consumption and the production of consumer goods shrinking industrial sector in trouble.lead to political and social crisis With the real estate bubble burst and the economic crisis, a large number of factory closures and unemployment soaring. In the financial crisis, the surge in criminal cases. In Malaysia, for example, the real estate bubble burst in 1997, when the crime rate in 1996 increased by 38% the first quarter of 1998, more than in 1997 the crime rate increased by 53%, as people increasingly dissatisfied with the economic crisis worsening and social crisis is intensifying. Workers and students caused by anti-government demonstrations riots and social unrest on the one hand, the land systems, and industry management imperfect, to a certain extent, fueled speculation, resulting in a large number of speculative bubbles. Land is the basis of the real estate industry, the scarcity of land resources, making the land market supply with demand elasticity and flexibility of small features. When a lot of speculation that demand for land increases, land prices rose sharply, due to the scarcity of land, the market can not increase supply in a short time, so that the gap between demand and supply is widening further, in this case, limited land prices soaring, is seriously out of the fact that land value resulting from the bubble, which may lead to the formation of the real estate bubble; the other hand, the excessive growth makes the real