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云浮翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Overall, it seems, the French industrial policy performance inferior to Japan and the United States. France's high-tech industrial policy in improving the international competitiveness of the industry was not very successful. French government does not like Japan to find the right policy to promote domestic firms to catch up with leading U.S. technology companies. For example, France's semiconductor and computer industries have lagged far behind competitors in the United States and Japan. French aircraft industry, industrial policy is not successful, despite the "Concord" and "Airbus" Both companies have been successful in technology, but they are not yet profitable. "Concorde" plane is a never existed in the market have been produced, but the orders of the government to buy state-owned airlines. French government and its British partners have the "Concorde" aircraft research and development and production cost was subsidized, and now Air France and British Airways continue to provide operating subsidies. "Airbus" can not say that it is also a successful business case. Although it's good sales, the company has constituted a strong U.S. competition, but thanks to the government of its research and development, production and financing costs are heavily subsidized.French industrial policy measures and the implementation of Japan's very similar, but why the French failed to promote the development of target industries, while Japan has succeeded it?One reason is the lack of market research in France. French officials sometimes do not consider whether there is enough new product demand. Of course, not predict a future demand for existing products is very difficult. However, early in 1973 before skyrocketing energy prices, private experts had predicted as "Concorde" supersonic civil aircraft such as the demand is too low, investment is unprofitable.The second reason is the French industrial policy-makers seem to ignore the supply of high-tech market. In general, technology followers should try to be in the new technology industries based on a relatively simple position, and then to the more sophisticated areas of expansion. However, the French computer strategy is not to start small, start the computer or peripheral device, but a beginning attempt to create a large mainframe computer, to compete directly with IBM. To the most cutting-edge areas of the world market leader in challenge to the relative backwardness of French companies seem too high, it failed.