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蘭州翻譯公司關(guān)鍵字:Secondly, the car has an external consumer products, that air and noise pollution. In Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and other big cities urban areas, motor vehicle emissions have become the largest sources of pollutants. According to the State Environmental Protection Administration predicts that in 2005 China's motor vehicle emissions in urban air pollution in the contribution rate will reach 79% or so, urban pollution is pollution from coal-burning pollution to car exhaust type conversion.China's auto emission pollution, because in addition to a large population density, the increasing number of cars, the most important reason is that prolonged high level of protection due to our policy of automobile production technology and environmental standards, backward, poor vehicle performance, long service life, car with poor fuel quality problems. Statistics show that China's auto emissions standards than the nearly 10 years behind most developed countries, and implementation is uneven. Even if China is to achieve emission standards for vehicles, their emissions of carbon monoxide is the number of vehicles in Europe about twice the number of hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxide emissions in Europe more than three times the vehicle. Compared with the U.S. standards, China's emissions of carbon monoxide above the upper limit of 56%, 32% higher nitrogen oxides, hydrocarbons are more than three times higher. The cost of air pollution and the resulting loss is extremely high. According to World Bank estimates that air pollution caused by increasing medical costs and lost productivity, ill workers to offset China's GDP was 5%. Hence, if the environmental issues at the auto industry policy, the auto industry, growth-led economic growth the only illusion of prosperity.Second, is not conducive to social progress.First, the highly protective industrial policy is not conducive to achieving social justice. In recent years, car industry, mechanical industry, the profit share of profits nearly Liu Cheng, China's GDP growth to be driven as a pillar industry. But the high profits in government protection policies which create unfair competition by monopoly obtained, and the vast majority remain within the industry to the industrial workers high wages and high benefits in the form, the majority of consumer those interests are not reflected. In contrast, China's home appliance industry, the market is much higher than the automotive industry, with strong